• After tons of work, my blog is “ready”, by which I mean I have entered the “tweaking” phase, and left the “hard work” phase.

    Now I’ve found I’ve nothing really to say after all.

    Anyhow, feel free to cruise over to https://dotsandloops.net and take a look.
    comments welcome …
    Too Maroon ?
    Garish colors ?
    Banner too boring ?
    Also, please tell me about any craziness/bugs, as I’ve only checked this page on a couple of browsers.

    Of course it will look like crap in old browsers … and there is some minor weirdness with Opera on the category pages …

    Lastly, I’ll gladly share any tips/tricks I picked up.
    Notice I use a custom tag to format different “types” of posts differently. I use comments live preview and a couple of other things.

    I’ve ripped off/cut and paste liberally without regard for anyone.

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  • I wouldn’t say you have nothing to say. I sat and read for a while and enjoyed what I saw ??

    Content rules – so you are doing fine in my opinion….

    Thread Starter e-head


    Thanks for the voluminous praise and adulation.
    I’m glad to see you guys really like it.

    Seriously though, thanks Shadow.

    I’m now done with my first major “upgrade” after finally “finishing” the design.

    There was way too much pink.
    Now I’ve got a hatched gray thing going on in the background … easier on the eyes. ( But … is that grid … too “gridy” ? – and yes, I do have more important things to worry about )

    Does anybody even worry about websafe colors anymore ? cause I could have come up with better grays.

    Oops, I meant to tell you I really liked the site. (even though I viewed it on my Apple ?? )

    I think I might have liked the first rendition a bit better, actually, but it’s a toss up. All in all, very nicely done.

    Edit: Also forgot to mention you might not have received many comments because this should be in Your WordPress rather than Requests & Feedback.

    Thread Starter e-head


    Hey thanks …
    I read “Feedback” and figured this was the right place for such posts.

    BTW, don’t get me wrong, Apple makes really good hardware and software (certainly better than PC), i just can’t help but make fun cause their “groupies” can be so annoying.

    lol… no worries, just poking a bit of fun back. I actually have to agree on the “groupies.” I’m a recent convert after several nudges from, oddly enough, my egghead programmer and PC user friend. The groupie Apple zealots with their silly elitism actually turned me off and I thought it’d be a cold day in hell when I bothered with anything Mac. Equally as humourous are the Mac martyrs, quick to interpret almost any comment on the web as PC-biased and jump in to uber defensive mode.

    Feedback coming right up …

    Colour: refreshing and trendy.

    Typography: nice – have you tried to give each headline a bit more distance to it’s previous neighbor. Looks a bit squeezed to me. Overall style supports content – well done.

    Usability: everything needed seems to be in place and working.

    Fine blog you have. ??

    Nice blog…and fun content…for some reason reminds me of Hunter Thompson…nice work…

    I likes it. none of the design elements get in the way of reading or getting around. like orangeguru said… it all seems to be in the right place.

    I also agree that thigs look just a tiny bit squeezed. It took a moment for my brain to wrap around what separated each entry. I think just a bit more white space between entries would do the trick.

    Great look. Keep going.

    I really like the clean crisp look. Good Work.

    Really clean and nice looking. Not too overdone but not boring too look at either.

    Great job.. I really need to learn CSS :/

    Personally I really like it. A very good theme with interesting and well-written content. I couldn’t find a link back to www.remarpro.com though…

    My eyes don’t see it as too maroon, sort of a light to almost medium maroon.

    Easy to read page.

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