• ResolvedPlugin Author myCred


    First of all, thank you everyone for your feedback and feature requests!
    I have gone though the list and below you will find the new features coming to myCRED 1.2.

    New Features:

    • Inline editing of users points directly from your Users list in the admin area. The option to change users points when editing their profile will still be available.
    • Points for viewing embedded videos. I will start off with YouTube videos but if anyone has experience with other services please let me know.
    • Option to sort users in the User list according to their points balance.
    • Sort BuddyPress Members list according to points balance.
    • Sort Log ASC/DESC.
    • Option to set a limit for awarding points for “Adding Post to Favorites”.

    New Add-on:

    • Banking Allows you to charge / offer interest on point balances based on preset time-frames (hourly / daily / weekly / monthly / annually ). Will also support setting a fee (amount or percent) for buying Points or paying using points.

    Add-on Updates:

    • Gateway. Added support for Event Manager and Event Espresso.
    • Ranks. Added support to assign ranks according to total accumulated points or current points balance. This way, your users can use their points to buy items without loosing their Rank.

    Plugin Support:

    • Event Espresso
    • Sensei

    Premium Plugins
    In August I will the first premium add-on for myCRED bringing you some more advanced / special features. I intend to use these premium plugins to help develop myCRED. These plugins will be available though our website and will bring no limitations to existing features.

    • Lottery. Allows you to setup lotteries where users can buy tickets to or pick winning numbers.

    myCRED Website
    The myCRED.me website will be offline from July 29th – August 1st for the 1.2 Update.

    Support for Third Party Plugins
    It’s not going to be possible for me to add support for all third party plugins. So from now on, support for major plugins will be included in myCRED while all other plugins that you request, and those I can help you with, will be posted on our website instead.
    This way, those who use these plugins can just copy and paste the code from our site to their installation to add support that way.

    With myCRED 1.2 I will also add a support forum on our website. This support forum is good but I want to have more control over questions with several forums instead of everything under one. So with the 1.2 Update, I will prioritise our own support forum!

    Also, I plan on introducing a reward system on the mycred.me website for those who help support this plugin. More on that later.


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  • Plugin Author myCred


    @martinecek2000 you can see a screenshot of the lottery add-on here.

    Hello Gabriel,

    I just started using myCRED and really like it so far. I am having the same issue liensenor was having though (booking events with points). How did it work out for him? I am just wondering what I need to do to enable that feature.


    Plugin Author myCred


    Hi evalesco.

    Can you tell me what issue you are experiencing? Please note that this feature was built with the free version of Events Manager and WordPress 3.6. I do not know how it works with the Pro since I can not afford to buy every Premium plugin out there, especially for a free plugin like myCRED.

    It is important to remember, that myCRED is not an extra gateway for Events Manager! So if you are using the premium version and users can pay on booking, myCRED will not show up here. Instead it should show up on the “My Bookings” page next to the “Cancel” link on each even row.

    Also, if you do not enter your settings on the settings page for Events Manager, this feature will not show up.

    wow i see the image and i very happy for the lottery ?? It would be good if they put in a set condition that the user must first do some activity on the site, and then to be able to play? ??

    Thank you. It would be great to see that feature in a future release. I like the way myCRED works seamlessly with WooCommerce. To have the same type of functionality with Events Manager would be extremely useful. Thanks for all of the great work you have done.

    Great work Gabrial! Thanks a lot for the new release.
    I’m very happy about the new video hook. I have set it up to add 1 point for each 10 second watched video – and it’s working great.

    But I have a question. Is it possible that the points could update live so the users is able to see the points are getting higher and higher through the video? As it is now the user has to refresh the site to see his newly earned points.

    Plugin Author myCred


    @louring – Glad you like. I plan on adding a tutorial to show you how you could do this. Originally I wanted to add this but then I realised that it would make a seemingly simple task into a highly complex one taking into account that not everyone out there might want this feature.

    I have included several hooks in these features to give users the ability to add these and other changes. In the codex entry for the mycred_video shortcode, I have added these custom filters where you for example can also change your player settings (i.e. remove player controls).

    If all goes well with 1.2 I should have some time next week to write a few new tutorials.

    Plugin Author myCred


    @evalesco If you have any issues, send me an email though our website and I can help you troubleshoot.

    Sounds very good! Looking forward for the tutorials.


    betting two entirely separate addons correct?

    Plugin Author myCred


    @surrealex Yes.

    Hi again,

    I like the ‘click on a link and get awared’ hook. But is it possible to place the link outside of wordpress? The reason I ask is that I create e-learning content and I would like to place a My Cred link inside the e-learning course and let the users click the link and get awarded.

    So instead of a wordpress shortcode I need a ‘real’ link that I can place everywhere. I hope you understand my explanation ??

    Plugin Author myCred


    Hi Louring.

    Not sure what you mean with e-learning content but myCRED requires WordPress to work. Especially since you need to support shortcodes in your content.



    Hello, I am very interested in your product for a site I am going to be building. Could you tell me, does the lottery add-on allow to chose a prize? For example will let let you run a drawing for a trip or a bicycle?


    Plugin Author myCred


    @laubfam: Hey. Sorry for the delay in my reply but I have been sick the past few days.

    The lottery add-on will only award points as it is based on points just like myCRED. You can however with some PHP skills add a customization which awards a product from your store to the winner etc. But it is not something that the plugin can do out of the box.

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