Footer modification
To modify the footer in WP 3.8, you must create one file and a directory to contain it, and you must modify one other file already installed on your WP setup.
First create a new folder in the /wp-content/themes folder called /twentytwelve-child, so when you’re done you have both a /twentytwelve and a /twentytwelve-child folder there.
Next you want to create a simple ASCII text file called style.css and upload it to the /themes/twentytwelve-child/ folder. If you use a Windows PC, you can do this with Windows Notepad or Windows Wordpad.
So what should your /themes/twentytwelve-child/style.css file contain? If you want to eliminate the “Proudly powered by WordPress” tag and insert your own footer text, hyperlinks, an image that is responsive, as well as set the font size smaller, your /themes/twentytwelve-child/style.css file would look like this…
/* Theme Name: Twenty Twelve Child Description: Twenty Twelve Child Theme Template: twentytwelve Version: 1.0.0 Tags: responsive-layout Text Domain: twenty-twelve-child */ @import url("../twentytwelve/style.css"); /* =Theme customization starts here -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .site-info { display: none; } div.credits { font-size: smaller; } img.footer-image { width:100%;height: auto; }
Now you need to backup your footer.php, which you’ll find in the themes/twentytwelve folder of your WP installation. Once you’ve safely tucked away a clean copy of footer.php, open a new copy of footer.php with a text editor like Windows Wordpad and find the following text
</div><!-- .site-info -->
Between there and the following
</footer><!-- #colophon -->
insert your new header text and image(s). So the last part of the themes/twentytwelve/footer.php looks like this:
</div><!-- .site-info --> <div class="credits"> <b>Please read <a href="">'s Terms of Use</a>.</b><br> <p><i>? Copyright 2000-2014 by <u></u>. All rights reserved.<br> <u></u> is a trademark of yourdomain Inc.</i><br> yourdomain Inc.<br> your street address<br> your town, state and zip<br> your phone<br> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" align="top" width="72" height="44"></a> <em>Website by <a href="">your linked text</a></em><br> </div> </footer><!-- #colophon -->
Leave the rest of footer.php unchanged.
Now make SURE you have downloaded and safely tucked away a clean copy of your original footer.php (so you can get back to start if something goes bad). Done it?
OK, now FTP (or otherwise upload) your new themes/twentytwelve/footer.php to your server and overwrite the original (but safely backed up) footer.php. Now got in your WP CP to Appearance > Themes and preview your new Twentytwelve child theme by clicking on the theme icon. If the pages look the way you want, activate the theme, and you’re done with the footer.
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