filtration working only for 3 groups
Hello again ??
I made four groups and a hidden file filled with “post->post_title” and filtration works fine with three groups, but it’s not working with the fourth.
It’s weird because I add the same code for each individual site. Except of course the name of hidden field value and other fields.
First code (works fine), “jakastrona” is a hidden field:
[pdb_list filter=’approved=No&jakastrona=Ksi??ka’ search=true orderby=”tytul” sort=”true” fields=”jezyk, tytul, rodzaj, opis, link”]
Second (works fine):
[pdb_list filter=’approved=No&jakastrona=blogi’ search=true orderby=”tytull” sort=”true” fields=”jezykk, tytull, rodzajj, opiss, linkk”]
Third (works fine):
[pdb_list filter=’approved=No&jakastrona=Artyku?’ search=true orderby=”tytulll” sort=”true” fields=”jezykkk, tytulll, rodzajjj, opisss, linkkk”]
Fourth, it’s not working, nothing appears (screenshot bellow):
[pdb_list filter=’approved=No&jakastrona=Dobre_Praktyki’ search=true orderby=”lang” sort=”true” fields=”lang, tit, type, des, sitelink”]
The only difference is, that last group is assigned to another link of menu (screenshot bellow).
The funny thing is that I checked hidden value of fourth group and there is “Dobre_Praktyki”..
I tried almoust everything, but with any result.
Could you help me with this?
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