Filtering child taxonomies in another input #2
I just tested what you recommended and is perfect except for one thing: how can I make sure that in the first field are dynamically excluded (because we periodically change) the child taxonomies without inserting them individually? Is there a hook or something I can modify for that purpose?
In this way I would only display the brands on the first input, I would limit the typing on the second input until you select the brand and then this dynamically returns the models belonging only to the hierarchically superior taxonomy.
Such feature is provided in the plugin and it is called “Parent filter”. But it expects that you use different entities (for example different taxonomies – Brand and Model) for your both related filters – Master and Slave.
In your case you use the same taxonomy Category for both – Brand and Model and it is not perfect solution from the app design point of view. And of course you can not use the “Parent filter” feature.
If it is possible you may install CPT UI plugin and create separate taxonomy Model and attach models to your cars. In this case it will work as you need.
As another option available in the PRO version, you can create two Filter Sets and create filter by Category for both these Sets and make “Empty terms -> Always hide” for the second filter. In this case the second field will have only car models related with selected in the first filter.
But the way with custom taonomy better in any way and also it is good solution for the future site development.
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