Howdy hatfab,
My apologies for any confusion. As outlined in the forum sticky here, our readmes, documentation, and elsewhere we do provide volunteer support to free users such as yourself once per week. Usually we do a pass on Wednesday or Friday answering every topic that the other community volunteers have not. If you need a faster response time you should look into paying someone for support.
As the forum rules outline. Bumping topics only delays the amount of time until a response. This is because of how the moderator tools work, bumped topics appear answered and simultaneously fall to the bottom of the pool. Thus it can take more than a week to get a question answered if you bump. I really wish the tools did not work this way, but they do.
In case any other users are wondering this same thing, the Events Calendar PRO includes widget filtering in it’s features, and it also include premium support with same day support.
I hope you found a solution to your needs. Happy developing!
– Brook