• Hi,

    First off, thank you a ton for this plugin. I’ve used it on numerous large projects and it has been great.

    I currently have a use case where it is filtering people, with the post title representing a person’s full name. I have a function in place in functions.php that reverses the post title and sorts by that order, essentially placing people in alphabetically order. The problem is that no matter what I’ve done, I can not get the AJAX results to order posts by the last word/last name. In fact, the AJAX results seem to ignore any order/orderby parameters at all, even when doing something like this just to test whether the order changes at all.

    function injecting_custom_arg($args, $id,$getdata){
      //$getdata is the data from the form input. Using it like GET url parameter
     $args['posts_per_page'] = 9999;
     $args['order'] = 'ASC';
     return $args;

    The post orderby function is as follows:

    function posts_orderby_lastname ($orderby_statement)
      $orderby_statement = "RIGHT(post_title, LOCATE(' ', REVERSE(post_title)) - 1) ASC";
        return $orderby_statement;

    If not possible, is there any way to send the PAGE results to a separate search results template then the standard search.php template that it uses? Reason being the results for this particular post type need to look dramatically different than how I’ve styled the master site search results. (which already has different conditionals in place depending on what post type a post belongs to)

    thank you!


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  • Plugin Author TC.K


    I don’t know if you aware that you can configure the orderby, order and posts per page directly in the form setting page.

    Anyway, where do you put at your posts_orderby_lastname function()??

    By the way, you can refer to this thread to customize the default search template.

    Thread Starter astereo



    Yes — I am aware that the result filtering for post ordering can be set in the options panel for the plugin, although it has no seemed to have any affect regardless of what I order by in the settings — which is why I then use the query_args filter to try testing to see whether or not that made a difference either. In both the settings panel or via the filter, the post per page settings stick just fine — by the order parameter seems to have no affect on AJAX results.

    Now that I know I can use a different search results template (thanks for the link!) it’s not as critical of an issue for me, but it would still be nice if I could get the AJAX results loading correctly.

    As for where the posts_orderby_lastname function. In a standard query loop, I would use add_filter to before the query starts to apply the lastname function, and then proceeding posts would be ordered accordingly. I tried applying that same process to the uwpqsf_result_tempt filter, and place the filter for posts_orderby directly before the $query

    add_filter(‘uwpqsf_result_tempt’, ‘customize_output’, ”, 4);
    function customize_output($results , $arg, $id, $getdata ){
    // The Query
    $apiclass = new uwpqsfprocess();
    add_filter( ‘posts_orderby’ , ‘posts_orderby_lastname’ );
    $query = new WP_Query( $arg );

    ob_start(); $result = ”;
    // The Loop

    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    echo ‘<div class=”allresults”>’;
    $i = 0;
    while ( $query->have_posts() ) {

    but the post order remains the same.

    Here are two screenshots as well that show results after filtering with different order by options set in the settings panel, just so you know I’m not crazy ??

    Random Order setting
    Date setting

    (might need to reload your browser on click of those urls, because my domain has hotlinking disabled)

    Plugin Author TC.K


    Try remove the ‘posts_orderby’ after the the WP_Query class.

    add_filter( 'posts_orderby' , 'posts_orderby_lastname' );
    $query = new WP_Query( $arg );
    remove_filter( 'posts_orderby' , 'posts_orderby_lastname' );
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