• Over the past weeks I been building a site and have used the guide by Rafael Angeline :: https://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creating-a-filterable-portfolio-with-wordpress-and-jquery/

    I have everything working here :: https://globalicn.com/preview/regions/europe/

    But I am trying to go two steps further:
    1) I would love for the loop to show the posts by category (country) and list them alphabetical. Or how could I have the page display the posts by country instead of post title name.

    2) The URL button that links to their website. Some of the directories don′t have a website so shouldn′t show the button. This works only when I don′t have the Souther-Europe tag selected. If it′s selected, the website button shows with this code: https:///

    I been trying for the past few days to figure these questions out! Thanks for any feedback!

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