Hi @dg12345,
will add some additional filter within the next days. But not as you suggested:
Dangerous Filter:
public function nsc_bar_get_banner_config_array()
if (empty($this->banner_config_array)) {
$banner_config_array = $this->initialise_banner_configs();
$banner_config_array = apply_filters('nsc_bar_filter_banner_config_array_init', $banner_config_array);
$this->banner_config_array = $banner_config_array;
return $this->banner_config_array;
Be carefull with this one: if your plugin/themes uses this filter it affects the settings as well and if someone updates the settings the output of your filter will be saved in the Database!
Save Filter
this is a string again, so you have to decode it, this is the way if you only want to filter the output
public function nsc_bar_json_with_js_function()
$validator = new nsc_bar_input_validation();
$cleanedCookieTypes = $validator->esc_array_for_js($this->cookietypes);
$popUpCloseJsFunction = '"onPopupClose": function(){location.reload();}';
$pushToDLFunction = '"onStatusChange": function(status, chosenBefore) { var dataLayerName = "' . esc_js($this->dataLayerName) . '"; var cookieTypes = ' . json_encode($cleanedCookieTypes) . ';var cookieRootName = "' . esc_js($this->cookie_name) . '"; ' . file_get_contents(NSC_BAR_PLUGIN_DIR . "/public/onStatusChange.js") . '}';
$json_config_string_with_js = $this->json_config_string;
$json_config_string_with_js = apply_filters('nsc_bar_filter_json_config_string_before_js', $json_config_string_with_js);
if (!empty($this->container)) {
$setContainerPosition = '"container": document.querySelector("' . esc_js($this->container) . '")';
the difference to the filter implemented before, is that it returns a valid json which you can decode.
the old filter: nsc_bar_filter_json_config_string_with_js returns a valid JS object.
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by