• I have created a custom RSS feed. It is working correctly. I want to filter the post content for the feed. I have a filter setup on the_content_feed but I only want it to run for the custom feed. I can’t find anything where I can check the feed name or something similar so I can restrict the filter to this one custom feed.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Feed type is passed to the filter callback as the second parameter.

    For example:

    add_filter( "the_content_feed", "plugin_function_name", 10, 2 );
    function plugin_function_name($content, $type)
      if ('rss2' == $type ) {
        $content = '<p>This is a RSS2 feed</p>'. $content;
      return $content;
    Thread Starter ZeroGravity


    Thanks @bcworkz but I’m not actually looking for the Feed Type, but the Feed Name. This is my code to create the custom feed. The MC_newsletterRSS function sets the query conditions and has the template for the RSS output.

    add_action('init', 'zgwd1010_customRSS');
    function zgwd1010_customRSS(){
            add_feed('mc-newsletter', 'MC_newsletterRSS');

    I’m looking for something like:

    add_filter('the_content_feed', 'zgwd1010_rss_inline_css');
    function zgwd1010_rss_inline_css($content) {
    	if ( 'mc-newsletter' == <<feedname>> ) {
    		// Do the magic
    	return $content;

    If I use feed type then all feeds of that type will be processed by the filter. I only want this custom feed, “mc-newsletter,” to be processed. All other feeds, regardless of type, should be handled by WordPress default.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by ZeroGravity. Reason: More information
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by ZeroGravity.
    Moderator bcworkz


    add_feed() does define a new type as far as WP is concerned. Says so right on the doc page ?? The new type may still return a RSS2 feed, that’s up to the header sent and the template used. It needn’t be a new formal type like Atom or RDF.

    I’m unsure if it’s really necessary, but for good measure after adding add_feed() code, visit the permalinks settings screen to cause the related rewrite rules to be refreshed. No need to save or change anything, just loading the page is enough.

    Aside from being passed from “the_feed_content” filter, the type/name is also available in the main query object’s “feed” query var.

    Thread Starter ZeroGravity


    The doc page says “Add a new feed type like /atom1/.” I probably need a little clarification on what “like” actually means. ?? Is atom1 the feedname?

    The header in the template function is
    header('Content-Type: '.feed_content_type('rss-http').'; charset='.get_option('blog_charset'), true);
    It gets set to “application/rss+xml”

    Checking the feedtype sent to “the_feed_content,” it’s rss2.
    query_var[feed] is empty in “the_feed_content” – "[feed] => "

    I needed to save the permalinks to refresh the rewrite rules.

    Thanks for you patience @bcworkz and sorry if I’m misunderstanding but I don’t feel I am any closer to identifying which feed is being processed when “the_feed_content” is called. ??

    Moderator bcworkz


    “like” as in “for example”, I guess. Call it as you wish, but when correctly defined, the value after /feed/ in an URL is a “type” as far as add_feed() is concerned. It’s intended to represent different feed specifications like Atom or RDF, but you can create your own as long as there’s some valid content type header you can send.

    However, if your “type” is not one of the predefined specifications which are related to the content type header, you must also use the ‘feed_content_type’ filter to specify the proper header value. Otherwise it’ll default to “rss2” when it’s passed to “the_content_feed” filter callback, regardless of what “type” you’ve added. Regardless of what type is sent as a header, the named type that you’ve added should show up as the “feed” query var.

    Given the discrepancy between what a “type” is for add_feed() and what is passed as “type” to “the_content_feed” when the “feed_content_type” filter is not used, I agree with you that there ought to be a formal distinction between “type” and “name”. What add_feed() does really is more of a name than a type. Unfortunately, it’s ambiguous, which isn’t the first instance of ambiguity in WP ??

    I tested your add_feed() code on my site, defining my own version of MC_newsletterRSS() based in part on the default RSS2 template. I requested /feed/mc-newsletter/ and checked the query vars in “pre_get_posts”. Sure enough, 'feed' => 'mc-newsletter'. However, the $type value passed to “the_content_feed” is “rss2” since I didn’t use the “feed_content_type” filter.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Correction regarding “feed_content_type” filter. It sends whatever header you specify all right, but it still does not affect the type passed to “the_content_feed” callback. That comes from the template’s call to the_content_feed($type). Whatever is passed there is passed to your callback.

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