• Resolved nicecap


    Hey people,

    I could make an action processor work. But it just won’t work for a pre-process filter in order to validate a field on my form.

    I get into the function however I cannot get the field data. This is my PHP: `<?

    //** checks the lenght of the field VIN – must be exactly 17 characters long **//
    function check_vin( $vin ) {
    if ( strlen( $vin ) == 17 ) {
    return true;
    else {
    return false;

    //** call from the run action processor filter pre processing **//
    add_filter(‘caldera_forms_get_form_processors’, ‘slug_custom_validation_register’);
    function slug_custom_validation_register($processors){

    $processors[‘slug_custom_validation’] = array(
    “name” => ‘Custom Validation’,
    “pre_processor” => ‘slug_custom_validation_do_validation’,
    “cf_ver” => ‘1.2.4’
    return $processors;

    //pre-process callback
    function slug_custom_validation_do_validation( $config, $form ) {

    $value_to_check = ”;
    $data = array();

    $value_to_check = Caldera_Forms::get_field_data( ‘fld_5188483’, $form );
    // just for testing I write the value into a text file – which works – but $value_to_check is always empty
    $text = “VIN = ” . $value_to_check . “\n”;
    file_put_contents( “caldera-test.txt”, $text, FILE_APPEND );

    $is_valid = true;

    $file_text = ” im DO: ” . $value_to_check . ” \n”;

    file_put_contents( “caldera-test.txt”, $file_text , FILE_APPEND );

    //Do your thing to check if is valid and make $is_valid false if not
    if( function_exists( ‘check_vin’ ) ) {
    $is_valid = check_vin( $value_to_check );

    //return an error if not valid, else don’t do anything
    if( ! $is_valid ) {
    return array(
    ‘type’ => ‘error’,
    ‘note’ => __( ‘A valid VIN must be 17 charaters long – please check the VIN of your car.’, ‘my-text-domain’ )

    More or less I took this code from Caldera Forms Support

    In the Caldero Front end I cal the function as a filter processor by slug_custom_validation_do_validation

    The site of concern is: mycarbio.livedemo.click

    Any idea what I’m doin’ wrong?

    Thank you very much for any help


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  • Thread Starter nicecap


    I could resolve the problem.

    The error was in the processor registration function.
    Not working:

    //** call from the run action processor filter pre processing **//
    add_filter('caldera_forms_get_form_processors', 'slug_custom_validation_register');
    function slug_custom_validation_register($processors){
    $processors['slug_custom_validation'] = array(
    "name"	=>	'Custom Validation',
    "pre_processor"	=>	'slug_custom_validation_do_validation',
    "cf_ver" => '1.2.4'
    return $processors;

    I replaced $processors[‘slug_custom_validation’] by $processors[‘run_action’] and it worked.


    //** call from the run action processor filter pre processing **//
    add_filter('caldera_forms_get_form_processors', 'slug_custom_validation_register');
    function slug_custom_validation_register($processors){
    $processors['run_action'] = array(
    "name"	        => 'Custom Validation',
    "pre_processor"	=> 'slug_custom_validation_do_validation',
    "cf_ver"        => '1.2.4'
    return $processors;


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