• Resolved Zain Sohail


    I have been trying to get this filter working for some time now. I am still not able to get through this. I also found a bug in the in the class WP_User_Avatar function wpua_action_show_user_profile (line 156 and 158)

    $has_wp_user_avatar = has_wp_user_avatar(@$user->ID);
    // Get WPUA attachment ID
    $wpua = get_user_meta(@$user->ID, $wpdb->get_blog_prefix($blog_id).'user_avatar', true);

    If you var_dump $wpua, you get a bool(false) response. I thought this was because of @$user->ID since global $current_user was used, so I simply replaced @$user->ID with $current_user and the image which I attached from the dashboard profile page showed up.

    But the main issue still remains, the post is not getting updated if I select a new image from my custom profile page. Below is a video showing the process of adding a new image (This is before I made any changes to the plugin files) ..

    VIDEO: https://goo.gl/Z04kEU
    P.S: If you think its because of the password fields, if I have checked it with correct inputs ..



     * [my_avatar_filter]
     * Filter for WP User Avatar
    function my_avatar_filter() {
    	// Remove from show_user_profile hook
    	remove_action('show_user_profile', array('wp_user_avatar', 'wpua_action_show_user_profile'));
    	remove_action('show_user_profile', array('wp_user_avatar', 'wpua_media_upload_scripts'));
    	// Remove from edit_user_profile hook
    	remove_action('edit_user_profile', array('wp_user_avatar', 'wpua_action_show_user_profile'));
    	remove_action('edit_user_profile', array('wp_user_avatar', 'wpua_media_upload_scripts'));
    	// Add to edit_user_avatar hook
    	add_action('edit_user_avatar', array('wp_user_avatar', 'wpua_action_show_user_profile'));
    	add_action('edit_user_avatar', array('wp_user_avatar', 'wpua_media_upload_scripts'));
    // Loads only outside of administration panel
    if(!is_admin()) {
    // Custom Wrapper for WP User Avatar
    remove_action('wpua_before_avatar', 'wpua_do_before_avatar');
    remove_action('wpua_after_avatar', 'wpua_do_after_avatar');
    function my_before_avatar() {
      echo '<div class="avatar" id="my-avatar">';
    add_action('wpua_before_avatar', 'my_before_avatar');
    function my_after_avatar() {
      echo '</div>';
    add_action('wpua_after_avatar', 'my_after_avatar');

    The Form:

    <form id="wpua-edit-1" class="wpua-edit" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <?php do_action('edit_user_avatar', $current_user->ID ); ?>
                    <div class="personal-wrapper">
                        <div class="name-details">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="first-name"><?php _e('First Name', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="first-name" type="text" id="first-name" value="<?php the_author_meta( 'first_name', $current_user->ID ); ?>" />
                            </div><!-- .form-username -->
                            <div class="form-group middle-in">
                                <label for="middle-in"><?php _e('Middle in.', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="middle-in" type="text" id="middle-in" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_middle_in', $current_user->ID ); ?>" />
                            </div><!-- .form-middle in. -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="last-name"><?php _e('Last Name', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="last-name" type="text" id="last-name" value="<?php the_author_meta( 'last_name', $current_user->ID ); ?>" />
                            </div><!-- .form-username -->
                        <div class="email-wrap">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="email"><?php _e('E-mail *', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="email" type="text" id="email" value="<?php the_author_meta( 'user_email', $current_user->ID ); ?>" />
                            </div><!-- .form-email -->
                        <div class="password-wrap">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="pass1"><?php _e('Password *', 'profile'); ?> </label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="pass1" type="text" id="pass1" />
                            </div><!-- .form-password -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="pass2"><?php _e('Repeat Password *', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="pass2" type="password" id="pass2" />
                            </div><!-- .form-password -->
                        <div class="phone-wrap">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="phno1"><?php _e('Primary Phone Number', 'profile'); ?> </label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="phno1" type="text" id="phno1" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_primary_phone_number', $current_user->ID ); ?>"  />
                            </div><!-- .Primary Phone Number -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="phno2"><?php _e('Secondary Phone Number', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="phno2" type="text" id="phno2" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_secondary_phone_number', $current_user->ID ); ?>" />
                            </div><!-- .Secondary Phone Number -->
                        <div class="address-wrap">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="address"><?php _e('Address', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="address" type="text" id="address" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_address', $current_user->ID ); ?>" />
                            </div><!-- .Address -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="city"><?php _e('City', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="city" type="text" id="city" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_city', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .City -->
                            <div class="form-group state">
                                <label for="state"><?php _e('State', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="state" type="text" id="state" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_state', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .State -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="zipcode"><?php _e('Zip/Code', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="zipcode" type="text" id="zipcode" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_zipcode', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .Zip/Code -->
                        <div class="baptism-wrap">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="baptized"><?php _e('Are you Baptized?', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <select name='baptized' class="form-control">
                                    <?php if( get_user_meta($current_user->ID, '_baptized', true) == "yes" ) {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\">Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='yes' selected>Yes</option>
                                        <option value='no'>No</option>";
                                    } elseif ( get_user_meta($current_user->ID, '_baptized', true) == "no") {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\">Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='yes' >Yes</option>
                                        <option value='no' selected>No</option>";
                                    } else {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\" disabled selected>Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='yes' >Yes</option>
                                        <option value='no' selected>No</option>";
                            </div><!-- .Baptized -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="baptized-date"><?php _e('Date of Baptism', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control date-picker" name="baptized-date" type="text" id="baptized-date" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_baptized_date', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .Baptized Date -->
                        <div class="dob-wrap">
                            <div class="form-group gender">
                                <label for="gender"><?php _e('Gender', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <select name='gender' class="form-control">
                                    <?php if( get_user_meta($current_user->ID, '_gender', true) == "male" ) {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\">Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='male' selected>Male</option>
                                        <option value='female'>Female</option>";
                                    } elseif ( get_user_meta($current_user->ID, '_gender', true) == "female") {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\">Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='male'>Male</option>
                                        <option value='female' selected>Female</option>";
                                    } else {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\" disabled selected>Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='male'>Male</option>
                                        <option value='female'>Female</option>";
                            </div><!-- .Gender -->
                            <div class="form-group dob">
                                <label for="dob"><?php _e('DOB', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="dob" type="text" id="dob" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_date_of_birth', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .DOB -->
                            <div class="form-group contact-time">
                                <label for="contact-time"><?php _e('When is it best to contact you?', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="contact-time" type="text" id="contact-time" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_best_contact_time', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .form-url -->
                    <div class="family-wrapper">
                        <h3 class="my-account-title">FAMILY</h3>
                        <div class="left-col">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="marital-status"><?php _e('Marital Status', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="marital-status" type="text" id="marital-status" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_marital_status', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .marital status -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <label for="spouse"><?php _e('Who\'s your Spouse', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                <input class="form-control" name="spouse" type="text" id="spouse" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_who_is_your_spouse', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                            </div><!-- .spouse -->
                        <div class="right-col">
                            <div class="name-details">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="form-spouse-first-name"><?php _e('Spouse First Name', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                    <input class="form-control" name="spouse-first-name" type="text" id="spouse-first-name" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_spouse_first_name', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                                </div><!-- .spouse first name -->
                                <div class="form-group spouse-middle-in">
                                    <label for="spouse-middle-in"><?php _e('Middle In.', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                    <input class="form-control" name="spouse-middle-in" type="text" id="spouse-middle-in" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_spouse_middle_in', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                                </div><!-- .spouse middle in -->
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="spouse-last-name"><?php _e('Last Name', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                    <input class="form-control" name="spouse-last-name" type="text" id="spouse-last-name" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_spouse_last_name', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                                </div><!-- .spouse last name -->
                            <div class="baptism-wrap">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="spouse-baptized-status"><?php _e('Is (s)he baptized?', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                    <select name='spouse-baptized-status' class="form-control">
                                    <?php if( get_user_meta($current_user->ID, '_spouse_baptized_status', true) == "yes" ) {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\">Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='yes' selected>Yes</option>
                                        <option value='no'>No</option>";
                                    } elseif ( get_user_meta($current_user->ID, '_spouse_baptized_status', true) == "no") {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\">Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='yes' >Yes</option>
                                        <option value='no' selected>No</option>";
                                    } else {
                                        echo "<option value=\"\" disabled selected>Select your option</option>
                                        <option value='yes' >Yes</option>
                                        <option value='no' selected>No</option>";
                                </div><!-- .spouse baptized status -->
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label for="spouse-date-of-baptism"><?php _e('Date of Baptism', 'profile'); ?></label>
                                    <input class="form-control date-picker" name="spouse-date-of-baptism" type="text" id="spouse-date-of-baptism" value="<?php the_author_meta( '_spouse_date_of_baptism', $current_user->ID ); ?>"/>
                                </div><!-- .spouse date of baptism -->
                    <div class="form-submit">
                        <?php echo $referer; ?>
                        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="user_id" id="user_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr($user->ID); ?>" />
                        <?php wp_nonce_field('update-user_'.$current_user->ID); ?>
                        <input name="action" type="hidden" id="action" value="update-user" />
                        <input name="updateuser" type="submit" id="updateuser" class="submit button" value="<?php _e("UPDATE PROFILE", 'profile'); ?>" />
                    </div><!-- .form-submit -->
                </form><!-- #adduser -->


Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Thread Starter Zain Sohail


    Since I didn’t receive any response from the support, I decided to fix this myself. For anyone who is facing the same problem, below is the solution:

    Note: This fix is for version 1.9.19. This could be fixed in the newer versions ..

    1. Fixing the bug:

    To fix the bug you need to add a new line in file class-wp-user-avatar.php located in includes folder.

    Add $user = $current_user; above this line of code $has_wp_user_avatar = has_wp_user_avatar(@$user->ID); in function wpua_action_show_user_profile line number 156. So at end you function wpua_action_show_user_profile should be something like this:

    public static function wpua_action_show_user_profile($user) {
        global $blog_id, $current_user, $show_avatars, $wpdb, $wp_user_avatar, $wpua_allow_upload, $wpua_edit_avatar, $wpua_functions, $wpua_upload_size_limit_with_units;
        $user = $current_user;
        $has_wp_user_avatar = has_wp_user_avatar(@$user->ID);
        // Get WPUA attachment ID
        $wpua = get_user_meta(@$user->ID, $wpdb->get_blog_prefix($blog_id).'user_avatar', true);
        // Show remove button if WPUA is set
        $hide_remove = !$has_wp_user_avatar ? 'wpua-hide' : "";
        // Hide image tags if show avatars is off
        $hide_images = !$has_wp_user_avatar && (bool) $show_avatars == 0 ? 'wpua-no-avatars' : "";
        // If avatars are enabled, get original avatar image or show blank
        $avatar_medium_src = (bool) $show_avatars == 1 ? $wpua_functions->wpua_get_avatar_original(@$user->user_email, 'medium') : includes_url().'images/blank.gif';
        // Check if user has wp_user_avatar, if not show image from above
        $avatar_medium = $has_wp_user_avatar ? get_wp_user_avatar_src($user->ID, 'medium') : $avatar_medium_src;
        // Check if user has wp_user_avatar, if not show image from above
        $avatar_thumbnail = $has_wp_user_avatar ? get_wp_user_avatar_src($user->ID, 96) : $avatar_medium_src;
        $edit_attachment_link = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('post' => $wpua, 'action' => 'edit'), admin_url('post.php')));
        // Chck if admin page
        $is_admin = is_admin() ? '_admin' : "";
        <?php do_action('wpua_before_avatar'.$is_admin); ?>
        <input type="hidden" name="wp-user-avatar" id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wp-user-avatar' : 'wp-user-avatar-existing'?>" value="<?php echo $wpua; ?>" />
        <?php if($wp_user_avatar->wpua_is_author_or_above()) : // Button to launch Media Uploader ?>
          <p id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-add-button' : 'wpua-add-button-existing'?>"><button type="button" class="button" id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-add' : 'wpua-add-existing'?>" name="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-add' : 'wpua-add-existing'?>" data-title="<?php _e('Choose Image'); ?>: <?php echo $user->display_name; ?>"><?php _e('Choose Image'); ?></button></p>
        <?php elseif(!$wp_user_avatar->wpua_is_author_or_above()) : // Upload button ?>
          <p id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-upload-button' : 'wpua-upload-button-existing'?>">
            <input name="wpua-file" id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-file' : 'wpua-file-existing'?>" type="file" />
            <button type="submit" class="button" id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-upload' : 'wpua-upload-existing'?>" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Upload'); ?>"><?php _e('Upload'); ?></button>
          <p id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-upload-messages' : 'wpua-upload-messages-existing'?>">
            <span id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-max-upload' : 'wpua-max-upload-existing'?>" class="description"><?php printf(__('Maximum upload file size: %d%s.'), esc_html($wpua_upload_size_limit_with_units), esc_html('KB')); ?></span>
            <span id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-allowed-files' : 'wpua-allowed-files-existing'?>" class="description"><?php _e('Allowed Files'); ?>: <?php _e('<code>jpg jpeg png gif</code>'); ?></span>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <div id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-images' : 'wpua-images-existing'?>" class="<?php echo $hide_images; ?>">
          <p id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-preview' : 'wpua-preview-existing'?>">
            <img src="<?php echo $avatar_medium; ?>" alt="" />
            <span class="description"><?php _e('Original Size'); ?></span>
          <p id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-thumbnail' : 'wpua-thumbnail-existing'?>">
            <img src="<?php echo $avatar_thumbnail; ?>" alt="" />
            <span class="description"><?php _e('Thumbnail'); ?></span>
          <p id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-remove-button' : 'wpua-remove-button-existing'?>" class="<?php echo $hide_remove; ?>">
            <button type="button" class="button" id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-remove' : 'wpua-remove-existing'?>" name="wpua-remove"><?php _e('Remove Image'); ?></button>
            <?php if((bool) $wpua_edit_avatar == 1 && !$wp_user_avatar->wpua_is_author_or_above() && has_wp_user_avatar($current_user->ID) && $wp_user_avatar->wpua_author($wpua, $current_user->ID)) : // Edit button ?>
              <span id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-edit-attachment' : 'wpua-edit-attachment-existing'?>"><a href="<?php echo $edit_attachment_link; ?>" class="edit-attachment" target="_blank"><?php _e('Edit Image'); ?></a></span>
            <?php endif; ?>
          <p id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-undo-button' : 'wpua-undo-button-existing'?>"><button type="button" class="button" id="<?php echo ($user=='add-new-user') ? 'wpua-undo' : 'wpua-undo-existing'?>" name="wpua-undo"><?php _e('Undo'); ?></button></p>
        <?php do_action('wpua_after_avatar'.$is_admin); ?>

    2. Fixing the Form

    To fix the form you need to add the following above the form if its loading on the same page or in the location of action if there is one.

    // WP User Avatar User Input Update
        if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
          $valid_user = $current_user;
          // Find user by ID, login, slug, or e-mail address
          if(empty($valid_user)) {
            $get_user = is_numeric($user) ? get_user_by('id', $user) : get_user_by('login', $user);
            $get_user = empty($get_user) ? get_user_by('slug', $user) : $get_user;
            $get_user = empty($get_user) ? get_user_by('email', $user) : $get_user;
            // Check if current user can edit this user
            $valid_user = current_user_can('edit_user', $get_user) ? $get_user : null;
          // Show form only for valid user
          if($valid_user) {
            // Save
            if( isset($_POST['submit']) ) {
              do_action('wpua_update', $valid_user->ID);
            if(isset($_GET['updated']) && $_GET['updated'] == '1') {
              echo '<div class="updated"><p><strong>'.__('Profile updated.').'</strong></p></div>';

    Make sure the submit button has `name=”submit”‘ I faced a problem regarding this simple mistake …

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