• I have a custom page template. I am calling a wp_query based on an Item’s ID that displays information about that Item. I then call another wp_query that returns records related to that item grouped by category.

    For example, I get 6 related records, 2 in each category. I would also like to display the record count for each category. I want to loop through my single wp_query record set and display each “category” of records as a subset on the page without calling the database again based on each category.

    For example …

    Item 1
    Item Name
    Item Description

    Related to Item 1
    Category 1 (count = 2)
    – Record 1
    – Record 2

    Category 2 (count = 2)
    – Record 3
    – Record 4

    Category 3 (count = 2)
    – Record 5
    – Record 6

    Code Below …
    $args = array(
    ‘taxonomy’ => ‘mediacategory’,
    ‘orderby’ => ‘name’,
    ‘hide_empty’ => 0,
    ‘hierarchical’ => 0
    $taxonomies = get_categories( $args );
    $catToCompare = “”;

    if ($taxonomies) :
    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) :
    $catToCompare = $taxonomy->cat_name;
    echo ‘<p>’ . $catToCompare . ‘</p>’;

    while ( $connectedRecords->have_posts() ) :

    $mediaCat = get_the_term_list($post->ID, ‘mediacategory’);
    $mediaCat = strip_tags($mediaCat);

    if ($mediaCat == $catToCompare) :
    echo ‘<p>’ .the_title(). ‘</p>’;

    What I really want to do is take my $connectedRecords and create subsets of records based on category if possible? I would like to eliminate the repetitive looping by category.

    I think I am close? I just can’t get the record count by category. Is there an easier way to do this?

    Thanks in advance!

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