• Resolved jasonSplitPixel


    Hi guys,

    I’ve been banging my head against the wall for the last few hours trying to figure this out.

    Basically I have a Custom Post Type called pennine-products which I have custom taxonomies to filter them to work like categories. All this is working fine when I use the plugin to call them back, the problem i’m having is I need to drill down even further using custom tags when trying to filter the posts depending on which section you are on.

    It seems to me that I can only filter by the taxonomy product-cat or product-tag, which both work when I do this but it’s pulling back posts from other Taxonomies which I don’t want.

    This is what I have so far

    <?php $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) ); ?>
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more data-posts-per-page="30" repeater="default" taxonomy="product_cat" taxonomy_terms="'.$term->slug.'" post_type="pennine-products" scroll="false" posts_per_page="3" button_label="Test"]'); ?>
    <?php $tag = get_queried_object()->slug; ?>
    <ul id="alm-filter-nav">
    	   <li><a href="#" data-repeater="default" data-post-type="pennine-products" data-post-format="" data-category="" data-category-not-in="" data-tag="" data-tag-not-in="" data-taxonomy="product_cat" data-taxonomy-terms="<?php echo $term->slug ?>" data-taxonomy-operator="" data-meta-key="" data-meta-value="" data-meta-compare="" data-meta-relation="" data-meta-type="" data-year="" data-month="" data-day="" data-author="" data-post-in="" data-exclude="" data-search="" data-custom-args="" data-post-status="" data-order="DESC" data-orderby="date" data-offset="0" data-posts-per-page="30" data-lang="" data-scroll="false" data-scroll-distance="150" data-max-pages="5" data-pause-override="false" data-pause="false" data-button-label="Test" data-button-class="" data-destroy-after="" data-transition="slide" data-images-loaded="false">All Products</a></li>
    	  <li><a href="#" data-repeater="default" data-post-type="pennine-products" data-post-format="" data-category="" data-category-not-in="" data-tag="" data-tag-not-in="" data-taxonomy="product_tag" data-taxonomy-terms="key-stage-1" data-taxonomy-operator="" data-meta-key="" data-meta-value="" data-meta-compare="" data-meta-relation="" data-meta-type="" data-year="" data-month="" data-day="" data-author="" data-post-in="" data-exclude="" data-search="" data-custom-args="" data-post-status="" data-order="DESC" data-orderby="date" data-offset="0" data-posts-per-page="30" data-lang="" data-scroll="false" data-scroll-distance="150" data-max-pages="5" data-pause-override="false" data-pause="false" data-button-label="Test" data-button-class="" data-destroy-after="" data-transition="slide" data-images-loaded="false">Key Stage 1</a></li>

    So the first li that filters products does exactly what I want it to do and keeps it within the relevant Taxonomy depending which page i’m on.

    It’s when I try filter by the product-tag that it pulls in all posts that are tagged with Key-stage-1. I know that I need to try keep the filter relevant to the Taxonomy I want by getting the slug of the term, in this case sub-sub-category – I just don’t know where I put this to filter only in sub sub category.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hey Jason,
    The code looks fine for filtering.
    Are you 100% sure ‘Key-stage-1’ is the correct slug? Is the K uppercase?

    Thread Starter jasonSplitPixel


    Hi dcooney,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    The code I sent through above does filter for the key-stage-1 but the problem i’m having is that any other posts from different categories that are also tagged with key-stage-1 are being brought on to the page. You can test it here to see what I mean

    Pennine Playgrounds website

    So it filters with the shortcode first to bring the correct posts that are in their taxonomies but once I filter for key-stage-1 it brings in another post from a different taxonomy.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Thanks again for the help.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    When I click your filter they bring in different posts.

    Are you saying the results are not correct?

    Difficult to comprehend because i’m not familiar with your content ??

    Thread Starter jasonSplitPixel



    Yes that’s exactly the problem i’m having. I’m trying to dynamically show posts by getting them from what slug is in the url. This works for the first initial load but like you’ve said as soon as I filter it ignores this and just brings all posts from within key-stage-1 regardless of what category they are in.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    When I click ‘all products’ it brings in the same posts as the initial load – both the origianl ajax load more query and all products are querying for tax term “sub-sub-category”

    Thread Starter jasonSplitPixel


    Yep that’s exactly what I want it to do.

    Then when a user clicks key-stage-1 it needs to filter those 2 posts that are in sub-sub-category by it’s taxonomy tag that i’ve created for it which is key-stage-1.

    So my question originally was, can I filter this far down as it’s technically trying to filter by 2 taxonomies.

    Sorry if this is confusing but thank you for taking the time to help me.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    oh hah,
    No, you can only filter by a single taxonomy, but multiple terms are supported.

    Ill be building multiple taxonomies soon.

    Thread Starter jasonSplitPixel


    Oh no! lol.

    Well at least I now know what I was trying wasn’t actually possible, for the time being anyway.

    Thank you for taking the time to help me, if I do manage to come up with a workaround i’ll post it here just in case others are trying to do what i’m doing.

    Thanks again, and keep up the good work – this plugin is brilliant.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Thanks man.
    Im putting out another release before xmas and im gonna try and get this multi taxonomies included. Ive been putting it off for a while.

    I am interested in help with this feature.

    Do you have any previous work on this feature (multiple taxonomies)?
    If not, I can start working on it now and provide a PR so we can discuss it and pull in into the main repo.

    Thanks for your awesome work on this plugin. Started to use it today and I’m already in love with it!

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