Fills my pages with $0.00 every other word
I tried your plugin but found that as soon as I activated it and refreshed my page, it fills my pages with junk. Also, all the formating – titles, bold etc goes. An example of what my page content looks like:<$0.00h1$0.00>$0.00The $0.00confidence $0.00you $0.00need $0.00to $0.00build $0.00a $0.00flourishing $0.00business $0.00doing $0.00the $0.00work $0.00you $0.00love,$0.00 $0.00is $0.00waiting $0.00to $0.00take $0.00root.$0.00<$0.00/$0.00h1$0.00>$0.00 $0.00<$0.00p>$0.00<$0.00strong>$0.00If $0.00you $0.00want $0.00to $0.00make $0.00a $0.00difference $0.00through $0.00your $0.00work,$0.00 $0.00yet $0.00feel:$0.00<$0.00/$0.00strong>$0.00<$0.00/$0.00p>$0.00 $0.00<$0.00ul>$0.00 $0.00<$0.00li>$0.00<$0.00em>$0.00held $0.00back<$0.00/$0.00em>$0.00 $0.00by $0.00lack $0.00of $0.00confidence<$0.00/$0.00li>$0.00
When I deactivate it – back to normal.
The menu bar and sidebar text is unaffected, as is the text in the widgets at the bottom of the screen. I guess it may be a conflict with the theme – I am using the Weaver II Pro theme.
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