• Resolved bsmalldesign


    I’d like to create a pods field (website type) that automatically gets the current post url and appends an anchor. Example:

    Current post url: domain.com/shoe/red-shoe
    Desired website text field (dynamically prefilled): domain.com/shoe/red-shoe/#anchor

    Then I would be able to call that field for a link on the front end. I’m sure I’m making this harder than it needs to be. I tried to prefill a website field with magic tags but no luck so I’m probably going at it that wrong way.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Jim True


    I’d suggest getting the technical solution out of this equation and focus on what you’re actually trying to accomplish

    What are you actually trying to do?

    What is the XY Problem? https://xyproblem.info/

    Thread Starter bsmalldesign


    On the link/page I reference in my message – you’ll see each team member has a ‘biography’ and ‘testimonials’ button under their contact info. Both have the same link, but I’d like the ‘testimonials’ button to link to an anchor on the resulting page. Right now I just pasted the static full url into a pods field to define the anchor link for the testimonials button. Is that better?

    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    If you’re outputting this with pretty much any method, you’d just go permalink#testimonials

    If you’re outputting that link for the button with a Pods Template with magic tags, you’d just set the href to:


    That’s easier than adding a field for it, considering it will always be the same anchor reference on the individual staff page.

    Don’t overthink it.

    Thread Starter bsmalldesign


    Ok thanks – I’ll try that and make the images into code that I can edit. I think the reason it’s tougher right now is because I’m using the elementor page builder and it doesn’t let me adjust the post url link after I assign it to a button. You’re right though – makes more sense than creating a field for it.

    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    Beaver Themer is better than that as pretty much anything can be connected as a field connector and you can override the output by creating a custom layout. Good luck!

    Thread Starter bsmalldesign


    Yeah, not a fan of Beaver Builder but will consider that and check it out if I have more needs that align with it. Thanks!

    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    If you’re in the loop when you output those, you can just create a Pods template and output it with [pods template=“testimonial button”]

    Check out:

    Thread Starter bsmalldesign


    Got it, thanks again!

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