Filesystem: Content directory not writable
My plugins Owner/Groups are daemon/daemon, object-cache.php is daemon/daemon, wp-content is bitnami/daemon with file permissions 755. It says my Filesystem: Not writable and I can’t disable Object cache.
First question is: is this a problem?
Second is: how can I fix this?The diagnostics:
Status: Connected Client: PhpRedis (v5.3.7) Drop-in: Valid Disabled: No Ping: 1 Errors: [] PhpRedis: 5.3.7 Relay: Not loaded Predis: 2.1.2 Credis: Not loaded PHP Version: 8.1.18 Plugin Version: 2.4.4 Redis Version: 6.0.16 Multisite: No Metrics: Enabled Metrics recorded: 13 Filesystem: Content directory is not writable. Global Prefix: "wpse_" Blog Prefix: "wpse_" WP_REDIS_PREFIX: "" WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: "" WP_REDIS_PLUGIN_PATH: "/bitnami/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/redis-cache" Global Groups: [ "blog-details", "blog-id-cache", "blog-lookup", "global-posts", "networks", "rss", "sites", "site-details", "site-lookup", "site-options", "site-transient", "users", "useremail", "userlogins", "usermeta", "user_meta", "userslugs", "redis-cache", "blog_meta", "network-queries", "site-queries", "user-queries" ] Ignored Groups: [ "counts", "plugins", "themes", "theme_json", "wordfence", "wordfence-ls" ] Unflushable Groups: [] Groups Types: { "blog-details": "global", "blog-id-cache": "global", "blog-lookup": "global", "global-posts": "global", "networks": "global", "rss": "global", "sites": "global", "site-details": "global", "site-lookup": "global", "site-options": "global", "site-transient": "global", "users": "global", "useremail": "global", "userlogins": "global", "usermeta": "global", "user_meta": "global", "userslugs": "global", "redis-cache": "global", "counts": "ignored", "plugins": "ignored", "themes": "ignored", "blog_meta": "global", "network-queries": "global", "site-queries": "global", "user-queries": "global", "theme_json": "ignored", "wordfence": "ignored", "wordfence-ls": "ignored" } Drop-ins: [ "advanced-cache.php v by ", "Query Monitor Database Class (Drop-in) v3.12.3 by John Blackbourn", "Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.4.4 by Till Krüss" ]
Thanks in advance for your help!
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