• WP 3.8.3 and 3.9 BackUpWordPress 2.6

    Manual RUN NOW of database and database + files will backup properly including transfer to Google Drive (paid option).

    automatic back up of database completes but spinning wheel remains in GUI

    Automatic backup of database only (500kb) will run on schedule including transfer to Google Drive. Email robot sends the file in an email too. It does do the job but still leaves the spinning wheel in the Manage Backups GUI.

    Automatic backup of files does not complete

    Automatic backup of database + files and/or just files will not complete. Just the spinning wheel for 24+ hours. Cancel the job and RUN NOW manually and the job will complete and transfer to Google Drive with no problem.

    Automatic backup of files with our without paid option is not completing and is “stuck” Yes I have tried excluding files to see if it a particular file is causing the hang. Unfortunately there has been no reply to the support ticket


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  • Thread Starter North2Doug


    WP 3.9
    BackUpWordPress 2.6
    Upload to Google Drive ver 1.0.5

    won’t complete
    – Scheduled backups do not complete. Only spinning wheel for 24+
    hours (500 kb database file and 42 mb of web files).
    – Manual RUN NOW of weekly schedule (42 mb of files+database and files) will not complete. Only spinning wheel for 24+ hours.

    will complete
    – Manual RUN NOW of database only (daily backup) will run and complete to server and google drive.
    – Manual RUN NOW of files only will run and complete to server and google drive.

    Have tried excluding files and Uninstalling and reinstalling plugins.

    anybody find a fix, Im getting

    “500 (Internal Server) Error – We’ve happened upon a bit of a problem…” when saving files and database, I’ve tried excluding uploads, defining cron to true and adding memory limit to 64 and nothing. any help here?

    One of my customers has a similar issue on a small site that is not frequently visited. I found this in their FAQ – maybe this is your problem too? I am going to try having my customer visit his site every day by making it the home page of his browser. Hopefully that will help.

    My automatic daily backups are irregular

    BackUpWordPress uses wp-cron. What this means is that the site has to be accessed in order for a backup file to be triggered. The backup may be set for 23.00 on Tuesday but if the site is not accessed until 05.30 Wednesday then that is when the backup will run. If your site does not receive a lot of traffic then the daily backups may not occur at the same time each day and you may find that the odd one is missing. One way to test whether this is the case is to deliberately access your site each day for a few days and then check whether there are daily back ups for those days.

    Thread Starter North2Doug



    Thank you for the tip. With regret this plugin is not working as advertised and support has been limited to one standardized suggestion.

    The plugin will work if run manually. The Google Drive paid option will work if run manually.

    The backup will not complete successfully on an automatic schedule and I suspect it is a conflict between the litespeed web server code and BackupWordPress. It will not resolve despite numerous advanced troubleshooting paths and hacks on my behalf.

    I am disappointed that the paid support option 100% abandoned me despite being supplied with extensive information.

    My advice is to forget this plugin if having trouble making it work. The numerous amount of non-replied support comments is a good indication of the state of the plugin. Too bad as it was a good plugin, will work if manually run but many, including myself, are having lack of success running it as an automatic function despite weeks if not a couple of months of trying.

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