Hi @gg23
I hope you’re well today!
The data that is/can be used in post directly, is only the data that is available through the “Post Data” field. That includes “Feature image” option (which you can enable by editing “Post Data” field on form) which will set featured image for the post but it doesn’t include any additional media upload.
It’s possible to use such additional image (one or more) but it requires a “trick”:
a) first, you’d need to enable “custom fields” in “Post data” field
b) second, you would need to assign the “Upload” field of the form to a custom field there;
Let’s say you have one upload field {upload-1}. In “post data” custom field you’d put e.g. “uploaded_image” as label and {upload-1} as value (the input box below label; you can just select your upload field by clicking on a little + icon there).
At this point when you submit the form, the URL of uploaded image would be stored in a regular custom field, named “uploaded_image”.
c) so you now need a way to display image form this custom field.
If it’s fine to include that image at the bottom of the post, you could use additional code that you can add e.g. to the “functions.php” of your theme:
add_filter( 'the_content', 'form_uploaded_image_filter' );
function form_uploaded_image( $content ) {
$url = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'uploaded_image', true );
if ( ! empty($url) ) {
$content .= '<img src="' . $url . '" class="uploaded_image" />';
return $content;
Best regards,