Hi there,
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you a concrete date as to when the feature you requested will be available. Feature requests go straight into a strategy board where they will be reviewed by the development team. We take certain factors into account when deciding which features to build and which to remain pending. This includes:
1. How many people have requested the feature
2. How many people will benefit from the feature
3. The cost: benefit ratio (is it a lot of work for little end-user reward, or the opposite?)
4. Our current workload (where does the feature request sit in terms of priority with other requested features and bug fixes).
Of course, we try and deliver as many updates and new features as possible, but it’s simply not possible to build everything. We promise that every feature request is logged, will be subject to review and we will endeavor to improve our software as best we can over time.
You can take a look at the Roadmap tab on this page to see a glimpse of the current planned releases: https://www.kadencewp.com/roadmap-blocks/
Although it don’t represent the entire development roadmap, it might still give you an idea as to the current plans for Kadence Blocks.
Also, you might want to join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/webcreatorcommunity
Update and release news are usually posted there by our developers. The Kadence community is pretty active and responsive so you might want to gander a check.
Kind Regards,