Hi @mungbean
I hope you’re well today and thank you for your question!
By default Forminator would store uploaded files in subfolder of standard /uploads folder and add them to the Media Library.
You can switch off “Show files in media library” option upload field settings but to change folder (which is doable) you would need a bit of additional code. Here’s a ready-to-use code that should do the trick:
You would want to add it as “Must Use plugin” to the site:
– create an empty file with a .php extension (e.g. “forminator-change-upload-folder.php”)
– copy and paste entire code into it
– adjust/configure it to match your needs in this part, following comments in the code
public $form_ids = array();//Enter list form ids which you want to custom uploads path, e.g array(123, 456, ). Leave empty to apply this custom code for all forms.
public $sub_folder = 'your-custom-folder'; //wp-content/uploads/[your-custom-folder].
public $hash_folder = false;// if enabled it, the folder will be hash with method crc32 (the result like this: 3d653119 ), source: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.hash.php
public $separated_by_user = null;//'ID' | 'user_login' | 'user_email': /wp-content/uploads/[sub-folder]/[user-id|user-name]/
public $separated_by_form_id = false;// Enable this to save images in folder /wp-content/uploads/[sub-folder]/[form-id]/.
public $folder_field_key = null;//enter field id here (e.g 'email-1'): /wp-content/uploads/[sub-folder]/[form-id]/[field-value]/
public $separated_by_month_year = false;// Enable this to save images in folder /wp-content/
– save the file and upload it to the “/wp-content/mu-plugins” of your site’s WordPress install.
It should then work out of the box.
Best regards,