File upload field contains file reference that is blocked by firewall
Our WordPress site is protected by Sucuri, and we’re constantly being blocked by Sucuri when we save a new post. Sucuri is triggered by the form upload field having a value set to a suspicious file reference:
<input type=”text” class=”osmFileName” name=”osm_file_list_URL[0]” value=”../../../../wp-content/uploads/YOUR-FILE”>
This only applies to the first field. The other four fields have placeholder set instead of value:
<input type=”text” class=”osmFileName” name=”osm_file_list_URL[x]” placeholder=”../../../../wp-content/uploads/YOUR-FILE”>
This code is generated in osm-metabox.php (or osm-metabox_v4.php). It looks like a mistake to set value for the first field and placeholder for the other fields. Setting placeholder for all fields would be more logical.
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