I’m having the same problems with setting permissions using FTP (WS_FTP). My problems started yesterday as I tried to repair “Subscribe RSS”. I get the following error:
The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
End tag was not expected at this location. Error processing resource ‘
I can recreate the same error above when I attempt to run wp-rss2.php to generate the synication feed. I checked support and there was alot of discussion involving .htaccess and setting file permissions.
I have tried every concevable combination of file permissions and I’m afraid things are gummed up good. The site works once again but the icons/images for TechnBlue theme no longer display in postings as they did before. I’ve tried to set permissions on wp-content, themes, TenchnoBlue->images, etc.
In addition, I have not fixed the “Subsribe RSS” found in sidebar.php. It appears the wp-rss2.php needs to have access to some area and the permissions are not set up in default installation.
How can I restore default file permissions?
What needs to be in .htaccess? CHMOD 666.
How do I get wp-rss2.php to generate feed for my blog?