File Name:class-amp-story-post-type.php contains malware dropper
The malware scanner identifies the following file as malware dropper.
I will copy the content of the file below.
Kindly go through and inform of any threat inside.
Thanks in advance.<?php
* Class AMP_Story_Post_Type
* @package AMP
* Class AMP_Story_Post_Type
class AMP_Story_Post_Type {/**
* The slug of the post type to store URLs that have AMP errors.
* @var string
const POST_TYPE_SLUG = ‘amp_story’;/**
* Minimum required version of Gutenberg required.
* @var string
* The slug of the story card CSS file.
* @var string
const STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG = ‘amp-story-card’;/**
* The rewrite slug for this post type.
* @var string
const REWRITE_SLUG = ‘stories’;/**
* AMP Stories script handle.
* @var string
const AMP_STORIES_SCRIPT_HANDLE = ‘amp-stories-editor’;/**
* AMP Stories style handle.
* @var string
const AMP_STORIES_STYLE_HANDLE = ‘amp-stories’;/**
* AMP Stories editor style handle.
* @var string
const AMP_STORIES_EDITOR_STYLE_HANDLE = ‘amp-stories-editor’;/**
* AMP Stories Ajax action.
* @var string
const AMP_STORIES_AJAX_ACTION = ‘amp-story-export’;/**
* Story page inner width in the editor.
* @var number
const STORY_PAGE_INNER_WIDTH = 328;/**
* Story page inner height in the editor.
* @var number
* Check if the required version of block capabilities available.
* Note that Gutenberg requires WordPress 5.0, so this check also accounts for that.
* @todo Eventually the Gutenberg requirement should be removed.
* @return bool Whether capabilities are available.
public static function has_required_block_capabilities() {
if ( ! function_exists( ‘register_block_type’ ) || version_compare( get_bloginfo( ‘version’ ), ‘5.0’, ‘<‘ ) ) {
return false;
return (
( defined( ‘GUTENBERG_VERSION’ ) && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, self::REQUIRED_GUTENBERG_VERSION, ‘>=’ ) )
* Registers the post type to store URLs with validation errors.
* @return void
public static function register() {
if ( ! AMP_Options_Manager::is_stories_experience_enabled() || ! self::has_required_block_capabilities() ) {
‘labels’ => [
‘name’ => _x( ‘Stories’, ‘post type general name’, ‘amp’ ),
‘singular_name’ => _x( ‘Story’, ‘post type singular name’, ‘amp’ ),
‘add_new’ => _x( ‘New’, ‘story’, ‘amp’ ),
‘add_new_item’ => __( ‘Add New Story’, ‘amp’ ),
‘edit_item’ => __( ‘Edit Story’, ‘amp’ ),
‘new_item’ => __( ‘New Story’, ‘amp’ ),
‘view_item’ => __( ‘View Story’, ‘amp’ ),
‘view_items’ => __( ‘View Stories’, ‘amp’ ),
‘search_items’ => __( ‘Search Stories’, ‘amp’ ),
‘not_found’ => __( ‘No stories found.’, ‘amp’ ),
‘not_found_in_trash’ => __( ‘No stories found in Trash.’, ‘amp’ ),
‘all_items’ => __( ‘All Stories’, ‘amp’ ),
‘archives’ => __( ‘Story Archives’, ‘amp’ ),
‘attributes’ => __( ‘Story Attributes’, ‘amp’ ),
‘insert_into_item’ => __( ‘Insert into story’, ‘amp’ ),
‘uploaded_to_this_item’ => __( ‘Uploaded to this story’, ‘amp’ ),
‘featured_image’ => __( ‘Featured Image’, ‘amp’ ),
‘set_featured_image’ => __( ‘Set featured image’, ‘amp’ ),
‘remove_featured_image’ => __( ‘Remove featured image’, ‘amp’ ),
‘use_featured_image’ => __( ‘Use as featured image’, ‘amp’ ),
‘filter_items_list’ => __( ‘Filter stories list’, ‘amp’ ),
‘items_list_navigation’ => __( ‘Stories list navigation’, ‘amp’ ),
‘items_list’ => __( ‘Stories list’, ‘amp’ ),
‘item_published’ => __( ‘Story published.’, ‘amp’ ),
‘item_published_privately’ => __( ‘Story published privately.’, ‘amp’ ),
‘item_reverted_to_draft’ => __( ‘Story reverted to draft.’, ‘amp’ ),
‘item_scheduled’ => __( ‘Story scheduled’, ‘amp’ ),
‘item_updated’ => __( ‘Story updated.’, ‘amp’ ),
‘menu_name’ => _x( ‘Stories’, ‘admin menu’, ‘amp’ ),
‘name_admin_bar’ => _x( ‘Story’, ‘add new on admin bar’, ‘amp’ ),
‘menu_icon’ => ‘dashicons-book’,
‘taxonomies’ => [
‘supports’ => [
‘title’, // Used for amp-story[title].
‘author’, // Used for the amp/amp-story-post-author block.
‘thumbnail’, // Used for poster images.
‘revisions’, // Without this, the REST API will return 404 for an autosave request.
‘rewrite’ => [
‘slug’ => self::REWRITE_SLUG,
‘public’ => true,
‘show_ui’ => true,
‘show_in_rest’ => true,
‘template’ => [
‘placeholder’ => __( ‘Write text…’, ‘amp’ ),
);add_filter( ‘post_row_actions’, [ __CLASS__, ‘remove_classic_editor_link’ ], 11, 2 );
add_filter( ‘wp_kses_allowed_html’, [ __CLASS__, ‘filter_kses_allowed_html’ ], 10, 2 );
add_filter( ‘rest_request_before_callbacks’, [ __CLASS__, ‘filter_rest_request_for_kses’ ], 100, 3 );
add_action( ‘wp_default_styles’, [ __CLASS__, ‘register_story_card_styling’ ] );
add_action( ‘enqueue_block_editor_assets’, [ __CLASS__, ‘enqueue_block_editor_styles’ ] );
add_action( ‘enqueue_block_editor_assets’, [ __CLASS__, ‘enqueue_block_editor_scripts’ ] );
add_action( ‘enqueue_block_editor_assets’, [ __CLASS__, ‘export_latest_stories_block_editor_data’ ], 100 );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, [ __CLASS__, ‘add_custom_stories_styles’ ] );
// Remove unnecessary settings.
add_filter( ‘block_editor_settings’, [ __CLASS__, ‘filter_block_editor_settings’ ], 10, 2 );// Limit the styles that are printed in a story.
add_filter( ‘print_styles_array’, [ __CLASS__, ‘filter_frontend_print_styles_array’ ] );
add_filter( ‘print_styles_array’, [ __CLASS__, ‘filter_editor_print_styles_array’ ] );// Select the single-amp_story.php template for AMP Stories.
add_filter( ‘template_include’, [ __CLASS__, ‘filter_template_include’ ] );// Get an embed template for this post type.
add_filter( ’embed_template’, [ __CLASS__, ‘get_embed_template’ ], 10, 3 );// Enqueue the styling for the /embed endpoint.
add_action( ’embed_footer’, [ __CLASS__, ‘enqueue_embed_styling’ ] );// In the block editor, remove the title from above the AMP Stories embed.
add_filter( ’embed_html’, [ __CLASS__, ‘remove_title_from_embed’ ], 10, 2 );// Change some attributes for the AMP story embed.
add_filter( ’embed_html’, [ __CLASS__, ‘change_embed_iframe_attributes’ ], 10, 2 );// Override the render_callback for AMP story embeds.
add_filter( ‘pre_render_block’, [ __CLASS__, ‘override_story_embed_callback’ ], 10, 2 );// The AJAX handler for exporting an AMP story.
add_action( ‘wp_ajax_’ . self::AMP_STORIES_AJAX_ACTION, [ __CLASS__, ‘handle_export’ ] );// Register render callback for just-in-time inclusion of dependent Google Font styles.
add_filter( ‘render_block’, [ __CLASS__, ‘render_block_with_google_fonts’ ], 10, 2 );// Wrap each movable inner block in amp-story-grid-layer.
add_filter( ‘render_block’, [ __CLASS__, ‘render_block_with_grid_layer’ ], 10, 2 );add_filter( ‘use_block_editor_for_post_type’, [ __CLASS__, ‘use_block_editor_for_story_post_type’ ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
add_filter( ‘classic_editor_enabled_editors_for_post_type’, [ __CLASS__, ‘filter_enabled_editors_for_story_post_type’ ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );self::register_block_latest_stories();
‘render_callback’ => [ __CLASS__, ‘render_post_author_block’ ],
‘render_callback’ => [ __CLASS__, ‘render_post_date_block’ ],
‘render_callback’ => [ __CLASS__, ‘render_post_title_block’ ],
static function( $sanitizers ) {
if ( is_singular( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) ) {
$sanitizers[‘AMP_Story_Sanitizer’] = [];// Disable noscript fallbacks since not allowed in AMP Stories.
$sanitizers[‘AMP_Img_Sanitizer’][‘add_noscript_fallback’] = false;
$sanitizers[‘AMP_Audio_Sanitizer’][‘add_noscript_fallback’] = false;
$sanitizers[‘AMP_Video_Sanitizer’][‘add_noscript_fallback’] = false;
$sanitizers[‘AMP_Iframe_Sanitizer’][‘add_noscript_fallback’] = false; // Note that iframe is not yet allowed in an AMP Story.
return $sanitizers;
);// Omit the core theme sanitizer for the story template.
static function( $sanitizers ) {
if ( is_singular( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) ) {
unset( $sanitizers[‘AMP_Core_Theme_Sanitizer’] );
return $sanitizers;
static function( $sanitizers ) {
if ( self::can_export() ) {
$post = get_queried_object();
$slug = sanitize_title( $post->post_title, $post->ID );$sanitizers[‘AMP_Story_Export_Sanitizer’] = self::get_export_args( $slug );
$sanitizers[‘AMP_Style_Sanitizer’][‘include_manifest_comment’] = ‘never’;
return $sanitizers;
100 // Run sanitizer after the others (but before style sanitizer and validating sanitizer).
);add_action( ‘wp_head’, [ __CLASS__, ‘print_feed_link’ ] );
* Remove classic editor action from AMP Story listing.
* @param array $actions AMP Story row actions.
* @param WP_Post $post WP_Post object.
* @return array Actions.
public static function remove_classic_editor_link( $actions, $post ) {
if ( ‘amp_story’ === $post->post_type ) {
unset( $actions[‘classic’] );
return $actions;
* Filters an inline style attribute and removes disallowed rules.
* This is equivalent to the WordPress core function of the same name,
* except that this does not remove CSS with parentheses in it.
* Also, it adds a few more allowed attributes.
* @see safecss_filter_attr()
* @param string $css A string of CSS rules.
* @return string Filtered string of CSS rules.
private static function safecss_filter_attr( $css ) {
$css = wp_kses_no_null( $css );
$css = str_replace( [ “\n”, “\r”, “\t” ], ”, $css );$allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
$css_array = explode( ‘;’, trim( $css ) );
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/kses.php */
$allowed_attr = apply_filters(
);// Add some more allowed attributes.
$allowed_attr[] = ‘display’;
$allowed_attr[] = ‘opacity’;
$allowed_attr[] = ‘object-position’;
$allowed_attr[] = ‘position’;
$allowed_attr[] = ‘top’;
$allowed_attr[] = ‘left’;
$allowed_attr[] = ‘transform’;/*
* CSS attributes that accept URL data types.
* This is in accordance to the CSS spec and unrelated to
* the sub-set of supported attributes above.
* See:
$css_url_data_types = [
];if ( empty( $allowed_attr ) ) {
return $css;
}$css = ”;
foreach ( $css_array as $css_item ) {
if ( ” === $css_item ) {
}$css_item = trim( $css_item );
$css_test_string = $css_item;
$found = false;
$url_attr = false;if ( strpos( $css_item, ‘:’ ) === false ) {
$found = true;
} else {
$parts = explode( ‘:’, $css_item, 2 );
$css_selector = trim( $parts[0] );if ( in_array( $css_selector, $allowed_attr, true ) ) {
$found = true;
$url_attr = in_array( $css_selector, $css_url_data_types, true );
}if ( $found && $url_attr ) {
// Simplified: matches the sequenceurl(*)
preg_match_all( ‘/url\([^)]+\)/’, $parts[1], $url_matches );foreach ( $url_matches[0] as $url_match ) {
// Clean up the URL from each of the matches above.
preg_match( ‘/^url\(\s*([\’\”]?)(.*)(\g1)\s*\)$/’, $url_match, $url_pieces );if ( empty( $url_pieces[2] ) ) {
$found = false;
}$url = trim( $url_pieces[2] );
if ( empty( $url ) || wp_kses_bad_protocol( $url, $allowed_protocols ) !== $url ) {
$found = false;
} else {
// Remove the wholeurl(*)
bit that was matched above from the CSS.
$css_test_string = str_replace( $url_match, ”, $css_test_string );
}if ( $found ) {
if ( ” !== $css ) {
$css .= ‘;’;
}$css .= $css_item;
}return $css;
* Filters the response before executing any REST API callbacks.
* Temporarily modifies post content during saving in a way that KSES
* does not strip actually valid CSS from post content, making block content invalid.
* @todo Remove once core has better CSS parsing.
* @link
* @param WP_HTTP_Response|WP_Error $response Result to send to the client. Usually a WP_REST_Response or WP_Error.
* @param array $handler Route handler used for the request.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request Request used to generate the response.
* @return WP_HTTP_Response|WP_Error The filtered response.
public static function filter_rest_request_for_kses( $response, $handler, $request ) {// Short-circuit since this is relevant only for users without unfiltered_html capability.
if ( current_user_can( ‘unfiltered_html’ ) ) {
return $response;
}if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response;
}$obj = get_post_type_object( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG );
$slug = ! empty( $obj->rest_base ) ? $obj->rest_base : $obj->name;$editable_request_methods = array_map( ‘trim’, explode( ‘,’, WP_REST_Server::EDITABLE ) );
if ( ! in_array( $request->get_method(), $editable_request_methods, true ) || ! preg_match( “#^/wp/v2/{$slug}/#s”, $request->get_route() ) ) {
return $response;
}if ( ! current_user_can( ‘edit_post’, $request[‘id’] ) ) {
return $response;
}$style_attr_values = [];
// Replace inline styles with temporary data-temp-style-hash attribute before KSES…
static function ( $post_content ) use ( &$style_attr_values ) {
$post_content = preg_replace_callback(
‘|(?P<before><\w+(?:-\w+)*\s[^>]*?)style=\\\”(?P<styles>[^”]*)\\\”(?P<after>([^>]+?)*>)|’, // Extra slashes appear here because $post_content is pre-slashed..
static function ( $matches ) use ( &$style_attr_values ) {
$hash = md5( $matches[‘styles’] );
$style_attr_values[ $hash ] = self::safecss_filter_attr( wp_unslash( $matches[‘styles’] ) );// Replaces the complete style attribute value with its hashed version.
return $matches[‘before’] . sprintf( ‘ data-temp-style-hash=”%s” ‘, $hash ) . $matches[‘after’];
);return $post_content;
);// …And bring it back afterwards.
static function ( $post_content ) use ( &$style_attr_values ) {
// Replaces hashed style attribute value with the original value again.
return preg_replace_callback(
‘/ data-temp-style-hash=\\\”(?P<hash>[0-9a-f]+)\\\”/’,
static function ( $matches ) use ( $style_attr_values ) {
return isset( $style_attr_values[ $matches[‘hash’] ] ) ? sprintf( ‘ style=”%s”‘, esc_attr( wp_slash( $style_attr_values[ $matches[‘hash’] ] ) ) ) : ”;
);return $response;
* Filter the allowed tags for KSES to allow for amp-story children.
* @param array $allowed_tags Allowed tags.
* @return array Allowed tags.
public static function filter_kses_allowed_html( $allowed_tags ) {
$story_components = [
foreach ( $story_components as $story_component ) {
$attributes = array_fill_keys( array_keys( AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated::get_allowed_attributes() ), true );
$rule_specs = AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated::get_allowed_tag( $story_component );
foreach ( $rule_specs as $rule_spec ) {
$attributes = array_merge( $attributes, array_fill_keys( array_keys( $rule_spec[ AMP_Rule_Spec::ATTR_SPEC_LIST ] ), true ) );
$allowed_tags[ $story_component ] = $attributes;
}// @todo This perhaps should not be allowed if user does not have capability.
foreach ( $allowed_tags as &$allowed_tag ) {
$allowed_tag[‘animate-in’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘animate-in-duration’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘animate-in-delay’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘animate-in-after’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘data-font-family’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘data-block-name’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘data-temp-style-hash’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘layout’] = true;
$allowed_tag[‘object-position’] = true;
}return $allowed_tags;
* Filter which styles will be used in the edit page of an AMP Story.
* @param array $handles Style handles.
* @return array Styles to print.
public static function filter_editor_print_styles_array( $handles ) {
if (
! function_exists( ‘get_current_screen’ ) ||
! get_current_screen() ||
self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== get_current_screen()->post_type ||
! get_current_screen()->is_block_editor
) {
return $handles;
}return array_filter(
static function( $handle ) {
if ( ! isset( wp_styles()->registered[ $handle ] ) ) {
return false;
$dep = wp_styles()->registered[ $handle ];// If we have amp-stories as dependency, allow the style.
if ( is_array( $dep->deps ) && in_array( self::AMP_STORIES_STYLE_HANDLE, $dep->deps, true ) ) {
return true;
}// Disable the active theme’s style.
if ( self::is_theme_stylesheet( $dep->src ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Filter which styles will be printed on an AMP Story.
* @param array $handles Style handles.
* @return array Styles to print.
public static function filter_frontend_print_styles_array( $handles ) {
if ( ! is_singular( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) || is_embed() ) {
return $handles;
}return array_filter(
static function( $handle ) {
if ( ! isset( wp_styles()->registered[ $handle ] ) ) {
return false;
$dep = wp_styles()->registered[ $handle ];if ( ‘’ === wp_parse_url( $dep->src, PHP_URL_HOST ) ) {
return true;
}if ( ‘wp-block-library’ === $handle || self::AMP_STORIES_STYLE_HANDLE === $handle ) {
return true;
}if ( in_array( self::AMP_STORIES_STYLE_HANDLE, $dep->deps, true ) ) {
return true;
}return false;
* Enqueue the styles for the block editor.
public static function enqueue_block_editor_styles() {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== get_current_screen()->post_type ) {
amp_get_asset_url( ‘css/amp-stories-editor.css’ ),
[ ‘wp-edit-blocks’ ],
amp_get_asset_url( ‘css/amp-stories-editor-compiled.css’ ),
[ ‘wp-edit-blocks’, ‘amp-stories’ ],
);wp_styles()->add_data( self::AMP_STORIES_EDITOR_STYLE_HANDLE, ‘rtl’, ‘replace’ );
wp_styles()->add_data( self::AMP_STORIES_EDITOR_STYLE_HANDLE . ‘-compiled’, ‘rtl’, ‘replace’ );self::enqueue_general_styles();
* Enqueue styles that are needed for frontend and editor both.
public static function enqueue_general_styles() {
// This CSS is separate since it’s used both in front-end and in the editor.
amp_get_asset_url( ‘css/amp-stories.css’ ),
);wp_styles()->add_data( self::AMP_STORIES_STYLE_HANDLE, ‘rtl’, ‘replace’ );
$fonts = self::get_fonts();
foreach ( $fonts as $font ) {
self::get_inline_font_style_rule( $font )
* Filters the settings to pass to the block editor.
* Removes support for custom color palettes for AMP stories.
* Removes custom theme stylesheets for editing AMP Stories.
* @param array $editor_settings Default editor settings.
* @param WP_Post $post Post being edited.
* @return array Modified editor settings.
public static function filter_block_editor_settings( $editor_settings, $post ) {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== get_current_screen()->post_type ) {
return $editor_settings;
}unset( $editor_settings[‘fontSizes’], $editor_settings[‘colors’] );
if ( isset( $editor_settings[‘styles’] ) ) {
foreach ( $editor_settings[‘styles’] as $key => $style ) {// If the baseURL is not set or if the URL doesn’t include theme styles, move to next.
if ( ! isset( $style[‘baseURL’] ) || ! self::is_theme_stylesheet( $style[‘baseURL’] ) ) {
* Filters the editor style to allow whitelisting it for AMP Stories editor.
* @param bool $whitelisted If to whitelist the stylesheet.
* @param string $base_url The URL for the stylesheet.
if ( false === apply_filters( ‘amp_stories_whitelist_editor_style’, false, $style[‘baseURL’] ) ) {
unset( $editor_settings[‘styles’][ $key ] );
}return $editor_settings;
* Checks if a stylesheet is from the theme or parent theme.
* @param string $url Stylesheet URL.
* @return bool If the stylesheet comes from the theme.
public static function is_theme_stylesheet( $url ) {
return (
0 === strpos( $url, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() )
0 === strpos( $url, get_template_directory_uri() )
* Registers the story card styling.
* This can’t take place on the ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’ hook, as the /embed endpoint doesn’t trigger that.
* @param WP_Styles $wp_styles The styles.
public static function register_story_card_styling( WP_Styles $wp_styles ) {
// Register the styling for the /embed endpoint and the Latest Stories block.
amp_get_asset_url( ‘/css/’ . self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG . ‘.css’ ),
* Export data used for Latest Stories block.
public static function export_latest_stories_block_editor_data() {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG === get_current_screen()->post_type ) {
}$url = add_query_arg(
wp_styles()->registered[ self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG ]->ver,
wp_styles()->registered[ self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG ]->src
);/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class.wp-styles.php */
$url = apply_filters( ‘style_loader_src’, $url, self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG );wp_add_inline_script(
‘var ampLatestStoriesBlockData = %s;’,
‘storyCardStyleURL’ => $url,
* Enqueue scripts for the block editor.
public static function enqueue_block_editor_scripts() {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== get_current_screen()->post_type ) {
}$script_deps_path = AMP__DIR__ . ‘/assets/js/’ . self::AMP_STORIES_SCRIPT_HANDLE . ‘.deps.json’;
$script_dependencies = file_exists( $script_deps_path )
? json_decode( file_get_contents( $script_deps_path ), false ) // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents
: [];wp_enqueue_script(
amp_get_asset_url( ‘js/’ . self::AMP_STORIES_SCRIPT_HANDLE . ‘.js’ ),
);if ( function_exists( ‘wp_set_script_translations’ ) ) {
wp_set_script_translations( ‘amp-editor-story-blocks-build’, ‘amp’ );
} elseif ( function_exists( ‘wp_get_jed_locale_data’ ) || function_exists( ‘gutenberg_get_jed_locale_data’ ) ) {
$locale_data = function_exists( ‘wp_get_jed_locale_data’ ) ? wp_get_jed_locale_data( ‘amp-editor-story-blocks-build’ ) : gutenberg_get_jed_locale_data( ‘amp-editor-story-blocks-build’ );
$translations = wp_json_encode( $locale_data );wp_add_inline_script(
‘wp.i18n.setLocaleData( ‘ . $translations . ‘, “amp” );’,
‘action’ => self::AMP_STORIES_AJAX_ACTION,
‘nonce’ => wp_create_nonce( self::AMP_STORIES_AJAX_ACTION ),
‘ajaxUrl’ => admin_url( ‘admin-ajax.php’ ),
* Get inline font style rule.
* @param array $font Font.
* @return string Font style rule.
public static function get_inline_font_style_rule( $font ) {
$families = array_map(
array_merge( (array) $font[‘name’], $font[‘fallbacks’] )
return sprintf(
‘[data-font-family=”%s”] { font-family: %s; }’,
implode( ‘, ‘, $families )
* Set template for amp_story post type.
* @param string $template Template.
* @return string Template.
public static function filter_template_include( $template ) {
if ( is_singular( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) && ! is_embed() ) {
$template = AMP__DIR__ . ‘/includes/templates/single-amp_story.php’;
return $template;
* Add CSS to AMP Stories’ frontend.
* @see /assets/css/amp-stories.css
public static function add_custom_stories_styles() {
if ( ! is_singular( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) ) {
amp_get_asset_url( ‘css/amp-stories-frontend.css’ ),
);wp_styles()->add_data( ‘amp-stories-frontend’, ‘rtl’, ‘replace’ );
wp_styles()->add_data( self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG, ‘rtl’, ‘replace’ );// Also enqueue this since it’s possible to embed another story into a story.
wp_enqueue_style( self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG );self::enqueue_general_styles();
* Get list of fonts used in AMP Stories.
* @return array Fonts.
public static function get_fonts() {
static $fonts = null;
if ( isset( $fonts ) ) {
return $fonts;
}$fonts = [
‘name’ => ‘Arial’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Helvetica Neue’, ‘Helvetica’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Arial Black’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Arial Black’, ‘Arial Bold’, ‘Gadget’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Arial Narrow’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Arial’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Arimo’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Arimo:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Baskerville’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Baskerville Old Face’, ‘Hoefler Text’, ‘Garamond’, ‘Times New Roman’, ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Brush Script MT’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘cursive’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Copperplate’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Copperplate Gothic Light’, ‘fantasy’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Courier New’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Courier’, ‘Lucida Sans Typewriter’, ‘Lucida Typewriter’, ‘monospace’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Century Gothic’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘CenturyGothic’, ‘AppleGothic’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Garamond’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Baskerville’, ‘Baskerville Old Face’, ‘Hoefler Text’, ‘Times New Roman’, ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Georgia’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Times’, ‘Times New Roman’, ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Gill Sans’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Gill Sans MT’, ‘Calibri’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Lato’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Lato:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Lora’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Lora:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Lucida Bright’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Georgia’, ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Lucida Sans Typewriter’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Lucida Console’, ‘monaco’, ‘Bitstream Vera Sans Mono’, ‘monospace’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Merriweather’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Merriweather:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Montserrat’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Montserrat:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Noto Sans’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Noto Sans:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Open Sans’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Open Sans:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Open Sans Condensed’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Open Sans Condensed:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Oswald’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Oswald:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Palatino’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Palatino Linotype’, ‘Palatino LT STD’, ‘Book Antiqua’, ‘Georgia’, ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Papyrus’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘fantasy’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Playfair Display’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Playfair Display:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘PT Sans’,
‘gfont’ => ‘PT Sans:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘PT Sans Narrow’,
‘gfont’ => ‘PT Sans Narrow:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘PT Serif’,
‘gfont’ => ‘PT Serif:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Raleway’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Raleway:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Roboto’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Roboto:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Roboto Condensed’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Roboto Condensed:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Roboto Slab’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Roboto Slab:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Slabo 27px’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Slabo 27px:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Source Sans Pro’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Source Sans Pro:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Tahoma’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Verdana’, ‘Segoe’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Times New Roman’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Times’, ‘Baskerville’, ‘Georgia’, ‘serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Trebuchet MS’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Lucida Grande’, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, ‘Lucida Sans’, ‘Tahoma’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Ubuntu’,
‘gfont’ => ‘Ubuntu:400,700’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘sans-serif’ ],
‘name’ => ‘Verdana’,
‘fallbacks’ => [ ‘Geneva’, ‘sans-serif’ ],
];$fonts_url = ‘’;
$subsets = [ ‘latin’, ‘latin-ext’ ];/*
* Translators: To add an additional character subset specific to your language,
* translate this to ‘greek’, ‘cyrillic’, ‘devanagari’ or ‘vietnamese’. Do not translate into your own language.
$subset = _x( ‘no-subset’, ‘Add new subset (greek, cyrillic, devanagari, vietnamese)’, ‘amp’ );if ( ‘cyrillic’ === $subset ) {
$subsets[] = ‘cyrillic’;
$subsets[] = ‘cyrillic-ext’;
} elseif ( ‘greek’ === $subset ) {
$subsets[] = ‘greek’;
$subsets[] = ‘greek-ext’;
} elseif ( ‘devanagari’ === $subset ) {
$subsets[] = ‘devanagari’;
} elseif ( ‘vietnamese’ === $subset ) {
$subsets[] = ‘vietnamese’;
}$fonts = array_map(
static function ( $font ) use ( $fonts_url, $subsets ) {
$font[‘slug’] = sanitize_title( $font[‘name’] );if ( isset( $font[‘gfont’] ) ) {
$font[‘handle’] = sprintf( ‘%s-font’, $font[‘slug’] );
$font[‘src’] = add_query_arg(
‘family’ => rawurlencode( $font[‘gfont’] ),
‘subset’ => rawurlencode( implode( ‘,’, $subsets ) ),
}return $font;
);return $fonts;
* Get a font.
* @param string $name Font family name.
* @return array|null The font or null if not defined.
public static function get_font( $name ) {
$fonts = array_filter(
static function ( $font ) use ( $name ) {
return $font[‘name’] === $name;
return array_shift( $fonts );
* Renders the amp/amp-story-post-author block.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param string $content Block content. Default empty string.
* @return string Block content.
public static function render_post_author_block( $attributes, $content ) {
return str_replace( ‘{content}’, get_the_author(), $content );
* Renders the amp/amp-story-post-date block.
* @todo Consider allowing to change the date format in the block settings.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param string $content Block content. Default empty string.
* @return string Block content.
public static function render_post_date_block( $attributes, $content ) {
return str_replace( ‘{content}’, get_the_date(), $content );
* Renders the amp/amp-story-post-title block.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param string $content Block content. Default empty string.
* @return string Block content.
public static function render_post_title_block( $attributes, $content ) {
return str_replace( ‘{content}’, get_the_title(), $content );
* Include any required Google Font styles when rendering a block in AMP Stories.
* @param string $block_content The block content about to be appended.
* @param array $block The full block, including name and attributes.
* @return string Block content.
public static function render_block_with_google_fonts( $block_content, $block ) {
$font_family_attribute = ‘ampFontFamily’;// Short-circuit if no font family present.
if ( empty( $block[‘attrs’][ $font_family_attribute ] ) ) {
return $block_content;
}// Short-circuit if there is no Google Font or the font is already enqueued.
$font = self::get_font( $block[‘attrs’][ $font_family_attribute ] );
if ( ! isset( $font[‘handle’], $font[‘src’] ) || ! $font || wp_style_is( $font[‘handle’] ) ) {
return $block_content;
}if ( ! wp_style_is( $font[‘handle’], ‘registered’ ) ) {
wp_register_style( $font[‘handle’], $font[‘src’], [], null, ‘all’ ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.MissingVersion
}wp_enqueue_style( $font[‘handle’] );
self::get_inline_font_style_rule( $font )
);return $block_content;
* Converts pixel to percentage based on the editor page sizes.
* @param string $axis Axis: x or y.
* @param number $pixels Pixel value.
* @return int|string Percentage value compared to AMP Story editor page.
public static function get_percentage_from_pixels( $axis, $pixels ) {
if ( ‘x’ === $axis ) {
return number_format( ( ( $pixels / self::STORY_PAGE_INNER_WIDTH ) * 100 ), 2 );
} elseif ( ‘y’ === $axis ) {
return number_format( ( ( $pixels / self::STORY_PAGE_INNER_HEIGHT ) * 100 ), 2 );
return 0;
* Get default height by block name.
* @param string $block Block name.
* @return int Height in pixels.
protected static function get_blocks_default_height( $block ) {
switch ( $block ) {
case ‘core/quote’:
case ‘core/video’:
case ‘core/embed’:
return 200;case ‘core/pullquote’:
return 250;case ‘core/table’:
return 100;case ‘amp/amp-story-post-author’:
case ‘amp/amp-story-post-date’:
return 50;case ‘amp/amp-story-post-title’:
return 100;default:
return 60;
* Wraps each movable block into amp-story-grid-layer and animation wrapper with necessary attributes.
* @param string $block_content The block content about to be appended.
* @param array $block The full block, including name and attributes.
* @return string Modified content.
public static function render_block_with_grid_layer( $block_content, $block ) {$post = get_post();
if ( ! $post || self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== $post->post_type ) {
return $block_content;
}// If the block content already includes amp-story-grid-layer, stop.
if ( false !== strpos( $block_content, ‘amp-story-grid-layer’ ) ) {
return $block_content;
}$movable_blocks = [
‘core/block’, // Reusable blocks.
‘core/template’, // Reusable blocks.
];$name = $block[‘blockName’];
// If the block is not movable, it doesn’t need the wrapper.
if ( ! in_array( $name, $movable_blocks, true ) ) {
return $block_content;
}$atts = $block[‘attrs’];
$wrapper_atts = [];$style = [
‘position’ => ‘absolute’,
];// Set default values if missing.
$width = isset( $atts[‘width’] ) ? $atts[‘width’] : 250;
$height = isset( $atts[‘height’] ) ? $atts[‘height’] : self::get_blocks_default_height( $name );// Set passed attributes or default values (0, 5) for top and left.
$style[‘top’] = empty( $atts[‘positionTop’] ) ? ‘0%’ : $atts[‘positionTop’] . ‘%’;
$style[‘left’] = empty( $atts[‘positionLeft’] ) ? ‘5%’ : $atts[‘positionLeft’] . ‘%’;
$style[‘width’] = self::get_percentage_from_pixels( ‘x’, $width ) . ‘%’;
$style[‘height’] = self::get_percentage_from_pixels( ‘y’, $height ) . ‘%’;$wrapper_style = isset( $atts[‘style’] ) ? $atts[‘style’] : ”;
foreach ( $style as $att => $value ) {
$wrapper_style .= “$att:$value;”;
}if ( ! empty( $wrapper_style ) ) {
$wrapper_atts[‘style’] = $wrapper_style;
}if ( ! empty( $atts[‘ampAnimationType’] ) ) {
$wrapper_atts[‘animate-in’] = $atts[‘ampAnimationType’];
if ( ! empty( $atts[‘ampAnimationDelay’] ) ) {
$wrapper_atts[‘animate-in-delay’] = $atts[‘ampAnimationDelay’];
if ( ! empty( $atts[‘ampAnimationDuration’] ) ) {
$wrapper_atts[‘animate-in-duration’] = $atts[‘ampAnimationDuration’];
if ( ! empty( $atts[‘ampAnimationAfter’] ) ) {
$wrapper_atts[‘animate-in-after’] = $atts[‘ampAnimationAfter’];
}if ( isset( $atts[‘anchor’] ) ) {
$wrapper_atts[‘id’] = $atts[‘anchor’];
}$before = ‘<amp-story-grid-layer template=”vertical”><div class=”amp-story-block-wrapper”‘;
foreach ( $wrapper_atts as $att => $value ) {
$before .= ‘ ‘ . $att . ‘=”‘ . esc_attr( $value ) . ‘”‘;
$before .= ‘>’;
$after = ‘</div></amp-story-grid-layer>’;return $before . $block_content . $after;
* Filters whether a post is able to be edited in the block editor.
* Forces the block editor to be used for stories.
* @param bool $use_block_editor Whether the post type can be edited or not.
* @param string $post_type The current post type.
* @return bool Whether to use the block editor for the given post type.
public static function use_block_editor_for_story_post_type( $use_block_editor, $post_type ) {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG === $post_type ) {
return true;
}return $use_block_editor;
* Filters the editors that are enabled for the given post type.
* Forces the block editor to be used for stories.
* @param array $editors Associative array of the editors and whether they are enabled for the post type.
* @param string $post_type The post type.
* @return array Filtered list of enabled editors.
public static function filter_enabled_editors_for_story_post_type( $editors, $post_type ) {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG === $post_type ) {
$editors[‘classic_editor’] = false;
}return $editors;
* Get the AMP story’s embed template.
* This is used when an AMP story is embedded in a post,
* often with the WordPress (embed) block.
* @param string $template The path of the template, from locate_template().
* @param string $type The file name.
* @param array $templates An array of possible templates.
* @return string $template The path of the template, from locate_template().
public static function get_embed_template( $template, $type, $templates ) {
$old_amp_story_template = sprintf( ’embed-%s.php’, self::POST_TYPE_SLUG );
if ( ’embed’ === $type && in_array( $old_amp_story_template, $templates, true ) ) {
$template = AMP__DIR__ . ‘/includes/templates/embed-amp-story.php’;
return $template;
* Outputs a card of a single AMP story.
* Used for a slide in the Latest Stories block.
* The ‘disable_link’ parameter can prevent a link from appearing in the block editor.
* So on clicking the story card, it does not redirect to the story’s URL.
* @param array $args {
* The arguments to create a single story card.
* @type WP_Post|int post The post object or ID in which to search for the featured image.
* @type string size The size of the image.
* @type bool disable_link Whether to disable the link in the card container.
* }
public static function the_single_story_card( $args ) {
$args = wp_parse_args(
‘post’ => null,
‘size’ => ‘full’,
‘disable_link’ => false,
);$post = get_post( $args[‘post’] );
if ( ! $post ) {
}$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post );
if ( ! $thumbnail_id || ! is_object( $post ) ) {
}$author_id = $post->post_author;
$author_display_name = get_the_author_meta( ‘display_name’, $author_id );
$wrapper_tag_name = $args[‘disable_link’] ? ‘div’ : ‘a’;
$avatar = get_avatar(
‘class’ => ‘latest-stories__avatar’,
if ( ! $args[‘disable_link’] ) {
$href = sprintf(
esc_url( get_permalink( $post ) )
<<?php echo esc_attr( $wrapper_tag_name ); ?> <?php echo isset( $href ) ? wp_kses_post( $href ) : ”; ?> class=”latest_stories__link”>
$url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $thumbnail_id, $args[‘size’] );
esc_url( $url ),
esc_attr( AMP_Story_Media::STORY_SMALL_IMAGE_DIMENSION / 2 ),
esc_attr( AMP_Story_Media::STORY_LARGE_IMAGE_DIMENSION / 2 ),
esc_attr( get_the_title( $post ) )
<span class=”latest-stories__title”><?php echo esc_html( get_the_title( $post ) ); ?></span>
<div class=”latest-stories__meta”>
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $avatar ); ?>
<span class=”latest-stories__author”>
/* translators: 1: the post author. 2: the amount of time ago. */
esc_html__( ‘%1$s ? %2$s ago’, ‘amp’ ),
esc_html( $author_display_name ),
esc_html( human_time_diff( get_post_time( ‘U’, false, $post ), current_time( ‘timestamp’ ) ) )
</<?php echo esc_attr( $wrapper_tag_name ); ?>>
* Enqueues this post type’s stylesheet for the embed endpoint and Latest Stories block.
public static function enqueue_embed_styling() {
if ( is_embed() && is_singular( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) ) {
wp_enqueue_style( self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG );
* Overrides the render_callback of an AMP story post embed, when using the WordPress (embed) block.
* WordPress post embeds are usually wrapped in an <iframe>,
* which can cause validation and display issues in AMP.
* This overrides the embed callback in that case, replacing the <iframe> with the simple AMP story card.
* @param string $pre_render The pre-rendered markup, default null.
* @param array $block The block to render.
* @return string|null $rendered_markup The rendered markup, or null to not override the existing render_callback.
public static function override_story_embed_callback( $pre_render, $block ) {
if ( ! isset( $block[‘attrs’][‘url’], $block[‘blockName’] ) || ! in_array( $block[‘blockName’], [ ‘core-embed/wordpress’, ‘core/embed’ ], true ) ) {
return $pre_render;
}// Taken from url_to_postid(), ensures that the URL is from this site.
$url = $block[‘attrs’][‘url’];
$url_host = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST );
$home_url_host = wp_parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST );// Exit if the URL isn’t from this site.
if ( $url_host !== $home_url_host ) {
return $pre_render;
}$embed_url_path = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH );
$base_url_path = wp_parse_url( trailingslashit( home_url( self::REWRITE_SLUG ) ), PHP_URL_PATH );
if ( 0 !== strpos( $embed_url_path, $base_url_path ) ) {
return $pre_render;
$path = substr( $embed_url_path, strlen( $base_url_path ) );
$post = get_post( get_page_by_path( $path, OBJECT, self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) );if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== get_post_type( $post ) ) {
return $pre_render;
}wp_enqueue_style( self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG );
<div class=”amp-story-embed”>
‘post’ => $post,
‘size’ => AMP_Story_Media::STORY_CARD_IMAGE_SIZE,
return ob_get_clean();
* Registers the dynamic block Latest Stories.
* Much of this is taken from the Core block Latest Posts.
* @see register_block_core_latest_posts()
public static function register_block_latest_stories() {
‘attributes’ => [
‘className’ => [
‘type’ => ‘string’,
‘storiesToShow’ => [
‘type’ => ‘number’,
‘default’ => 5,
‘order’ => [
‘type’ => ‘string’,
‘default’ => ‘desc’,
‘orderBy’ => [
‘type’ => ‘string’,
‘default’ => ‘date’,
‘useCarousel’ => [
‘type’ => ‘boolean’,
‘default’ => ! is_admin(),
‘render_callback’ => [ __CLASS__, ‘render_block_latest_stories’ ],
* Renders the dynamic block Latest Stories.
* Much of this is taken from the Core block Latest Posts.
* @see render_block_core_latest_posts()
* @param array $attributes The block attributes.
* @return string $markup The rendered block markup.
public static function render_block_latest_stories( $attributes ) {
$is_amp_carousel = ! empty( $attributes[‘useCarousel’] );
$args = [
‘post_type’ => self::POST_TYPE_SLUG,
‘posts_per_page’ => $attributes[‘storiesToShow’],
‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
‘order’ => $attributes[‘order’],
‘orderby’ => $attributes[‘orderBy’],
‘suppress_filters’ => false,
‘meta_key’ => ‘_thumbnail_id’,
$story_query = new WP_Query( $args );
$class = ‘amp-block-latest-stories’;
if ( isset( $attributes[‘className’] ) ) {
$class .= ‘ ‘ . $attributes[‘className’];
$size = AMP_Story_Media::STORY_CARD_IMAGE_SIZE;
$meta_height = 76;
$min_height = AMP_Story_Media::STORY_LARGE_IMAGE_DIMENSION / 2 + $meta_height;ob_start();
<div class=”<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>”>
<?php if ( $is_amp_carousel ) : ?>
<amp-carousel layout=”fixed-height” height=”<?php echo esc_attr( $min_height ); ?>” type=”carousel” class=”latest-stories-carousel”>
<?php else : ?>
<ul class=”latest-stories-carousel”>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach ( $story_query->posts as $post ) : ?>
<<?php echo $is_amp_carousel ? ‘div’ : ‘li’; ?> class=”slide latest-stories__slide”>
‘post’ => $post,
‘size’ => $size,
‘disable_link’ => ! $is_amp_carousel,
</<?php echo $is_amp_carousel ? ‘div’ : ‘li’; ?>>
</<?php echo $is_amp_carousel ? ‘amp-carousel’ : ‘ul’; ?>>
<?phpwp_enqueue_style( self::STORY_CARD_CSS_SLUG );
if ( $is_amp_carousel ) {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘amp-carousel’ );
}return ob_get_clean();
* Add RSS feed link for stories.
* @since 1.2
public static function print_feed_link() {
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG );
$feed_url = add_query_arg(
‘<link rel=”alternate” type=”%s” title=”%s” href=”%s”>’,
esc_attr( feed_content_type() ),
esc_attr( $post_type_object->labels->name ),
esc_url( $feed_url )
* For amp_story embeds, removes the title from above the <iframe>.
* @param string $output The output to filter.
* @param WP_Post $post The post for the embed.
* @return string $output The filtered output.
public static function remove_title_from_embed( $output, $post ) {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== get_post_type( $post ) ) {
return $output;
}return preg_replace( ‘/
.*?<\/blockquote>/’, ”, $output );
* Changes the height of the AMP Story embed <iframe>.
* In the block editor, this embed typically appears in an <iframe>, though on the front-end it’s not in an <iframe>.
* The height of the <iframe> isn’t enough to display the full story, so this increases it.
* @param string $output The embed output.
* @param WP_Post $post The post for the embed.
* @return string The filtered embed output.
public static function change_embed_iframe_attributes( $output, $post ) {
if ( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG !== get_post_type( $post ) ) {
return $output;
}// Add 4px more height, as the <iframe> needs that to display the full image.
$new_height = (string) ( ( AMP_Story_Media::STORY_LARGE_IMAGE_DIMENSION / 2 ) + 4 );
return preg_replace(
‘/(<iframe sandbox=”allow-scripts”[^>]*\sheight=”)(\w+)(“[^>]*>)/’,
sprintf( ‘${1}%s${3}’, $new_height ),
* Checks forstory_export
and valid Ajax nonce.
* @return bool
public static function can_export() {
return is_singular( self::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) && isset( $_GET[‘story_export’] ) && check_ajax_referer( self::AMP_STORIES_AJAX_ACTION, ‘nonce’, false );
* Get the args used during a story export.
* @param string $slug The slug used to build the newcanonical_url
* @return array
public static function get_export_args( $slug = ” ) {
$base_url = untrailingslashit( AMP_Options_Manager::get_option( ‘story_export_base_url’ ) );return [
‘base_url’ => esc_url( $base_url ),
‘canonical_url’ => ( $base_url && $slug ) ? esc_url( trailingslashit( $base_url ) . $slug ) : false,
* Returns an asset basename where the date directory structure is retained to avoid filename collisions.
* This means that an asset like
* returns the basename2019-07-sample.jpg
instead ofsample.jpg
* @param string $asset The URL of the export asset.
* @return string
public static function export_image_basename( $asset ) {
$asset = preg_replace_callback(
static function( $matches ) {
return str_replace( ‘/’, ‘-‘, $matches[1] );
);return basename( $asset );
* Ajax handler to export the story ZIP archive.
* This method returns an error as JSON and the binary data on success.
public static function handle_export() {
check_ajax_referer( self::AMP_STORIES_AJAX_ACTION, ‘nonce’ );// Get the post ID.
$post_id = isset( $_POST[‘post_ID’] ) ? absint( wp_unslash( $_POST[‘post_ID’] ) ) : 0;// The user must have the correct permissions.
if ( ! current_user_can( ‘publish_post’, $post_id ) ) {
‘errorMessage’ => esc_html__( ‘You do not have the required permissions to export stories.’, ‘amp’ ),
}// We need the ZipArchive class to make this work.
if ( ! class_exists( ‘ZipArchive’, false ) ) {
/* translators: %s is the ZipArchive class name. */
‘errorMessage’ => sprintf( esc_html__( ‘The %s class is required to export stories.’, ‘amp’ ), ‘ZipArchive’ ),
}// Bail if the user has not saved the story yet.
if ( ‘auto-draft’ === get_post_status( $post_id ) ) {
‘errorMessage’ => esc_html__( ‘Save the story before exporting.’, ‘amp’ ),
}// Generate and export the archive.
$export = self::generate_export( $post_id );// Export failed.
if ( is_wp_error( $export ) ) {
$error_data = $export->get_error_data();if ( is_array( $error_data ) && isset( $error_data[‘status’] ) ) {
$status = $error_data[‘status’];
} else {
$status = 500;
‘errorMessage’ => $export->get_error_message(),
}// Failed to export for an unknown reason not related to generating the archive.
‘errorMessage’ => esc_html__( ‘Could not generate the story archive.’, ‘amp’ ),
* Generates a Zip archive from the AMP Story.
* @param int $post_id The post ID of the AMP Story.
* @return WP_Error
private static function generate_export( $post_id ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );if ( ! $post ) {
return new WP_Error( ‘amp_story_export_invalid_post’, esc_html__( ‘The story does not exist.’, ‘amp’ ) );
}$slug = sanitize_title( $post->post_title, $post->ID );
$file = wp_tempnam( $slug );$zip = new ZipArchive();
$res = $zip->open( $file, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE );if ( true !== $res ) {
/* translators: %s is the ZipArchive error code. */
return new WP_Error( ‘amp_story_zip_archive_error’, sprintf( esc_html__( ‘There was an error generating the ZIP archive. Error code: %s’, ‘amp’ ), $res ) );
}// Passed to
for nonce access and to sanitize the output.
$query_args = [
‘story_export’ => true,
‘_wpnonce’ => wp_create_nonce( self::AMP_STORIES_AJAX_ACTION ),
];// Passed to
$args = [
‘cookies’ => wp_unslash( $_COOKIE ), // Pass along cookies so private pages and drafts can be accessed.
‘timeout’ => 20, // Increase from default of 5 to give extra time for the plugin to process story for exporting.
‘sslverify’ => false,
‘redirection’ => 0, // Because we’re in a loop for redirection.
‘headers’ => [
‘Cache-Control’ => ‘no-cache’,
];// Get the preview URL.
$response = wp_remote_get( get_preview_post_link( $post, $query_args ), $args );// Ensure we have the required data.
if ( ! ( is_array( $response ) && isset( $response[‘body’] ) ) ) {
return new WP_Error( ‘amp_story_export_response’, esc_html__( ‘Could not retrieve story HTML.’, ‘amp’ ) );
}// Get the HTML from the response body.
$html = $response[‘body’];
$assets = [];
$regex = ‘<!–\s*AMP_EXPORT_ASSETS\s*:\s*(\[.*?\])\s*–>’;// Get the assets from the AMP_EXPORT_ASSETS comment.
if ( preg_match( ‘#</body>.*?’ . $regex . ‘#s’, $html, $matches ) ) {
$assets = json_decode( $matches[1], true );// Remove the comment.
$html = preg_replace( ‘/’ . $regex . ‘/s’, ”, $html );
}// Create the zip directory.
$zip->addEmptyDir( $slug );// Add README.txt file.
$slug . ‘/README.txt’,
file_get_contents( AMP__DIR__ . ‘/includes/story-export/readme.txt’ ) // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents
);// Add index.html file.
$zip->addFromString( $slug . ‘/index.html’, $html );// Add the assets.
if ( ! empty( $assets ) ) {// Create the empty assets directory.
$zip->addEmptyDir( $slug . ‘/assets’ );foreach ( $assets as $asset ) {
$response = wp_remote_get( $asset, [ ‘sslverify’ => false ] );
if ( is_array( $response ) && ! empty( $response[‘body’] ) ) {
$zip->addFromString( $slug . ‘/assets/’ . self::export_image_basename( $asset ), $response[‘body’] );
}// Close the active archive.
$zip->close();// Read the file.
$fo = @fopen( $file, ‘r’ ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fopen, WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouragedif ( ! $fo ) {
return new WP_Error( ‘amp_story_export_file_open’, esc_html__( ‘Could not open the generated ZIP archive.’, ‘amp’ ) );
}header( ‘Content-type: application/octet-stream’ );
header( ‘Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=”‘ . sprintf( ‘’, $slug ) . ‘”‘ );
header( ‘Content-length: ‘ . filesize( $file ) );
fpassthru( $fo );
unlink( $file );
}The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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