• Hi.

    Great plugin!

    Im hoping someone could help clarify where im going wrong with PDF thumbnails.
    Im trying to get some nice big images of the PDF’s that have been uploaded onto the page.
    my shortcode is as follows:
    [fileaway type=”table” makedir=”true” boxtheme=”yang” theme=”minimalist” fadein=”opacity” fadetime=”500″ bulkdownload=”on” flightbox=”pdfs” manager=”on” thumbnails=”permanent” thumbsize=”large”]

    I’ve tried naming png images in the same folder as _thumb_pdfs_myfilename.png to no avail.

    Can you clarify:
    Does the plugin create thumbnails itself?
    Assuming i need to create the thumbnails, whats the naming convention to get them to show up.
    Is there a way od using custom css to restyle the icons to be a large png on the page without needing to use a table view (ie list view would be preferable)

    Thanks in advance, and thanks for the very slick plugin.



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  • Yes, Fileaway makes jpg thumbnails automatically and your short code worked fine for me however I did need to point the shortcode to one of my directories which had pdfs, in this case base=2.
    I used:
    [fileaway type=”table” base=”2″ makedir=”true” boxtheme=”yang” theme=”minimalist” fadein=”opacity” fadetime=”500″ bulkdownload=”on” flightbox=”pdfs” manager=”on” thumbnails=”permanent” thumbsize=”large”]

    To show larger thumbnails I imagine you would need to figure out where in the theme the display size is set and also replace the Fileaway generated thumbnails with your own larger ones.

    AFIK the lists do not support thumbnails but I have done nothing with them.

    Thread Starter Stu8080


    Thanks for checking. Something else must be going on then because if you see here:https://www.plymouthsouprun.org.uk/file-away-2/

    It makes no difference to my site?

    I have page builder installed, which affects the shortcode builder, so ive been making them manually, or disabling page builder when i get stuck.
    Im not putting this inside any page builder elements though.

    Any other ideas on what im missing here?

    Thanks in advance.

    Adding base 2 to your shortcode would only be relevant if you had multiple “Base Directory” configurations (set on the FileAway Basic Config page). Without a specific entry, any shortcode defaults to the first base directory where you obviously have some PDFs.

    My immediate thought was something with that theme, another plugin or Page Builder but if you look at your pdf files with a ftp application. My guess is the permissions are set to 0644 instead of 0755.
    You can probably just delete the current pdfs and upload some new ones and it will all work.

    Thread Starter Stu8080


    Makes sense, the permissions were set to 644. I deleted them, reuploaded them and they were still set to 644.
    Amending the permissions manually via ftp to 755 however makes no difference im afraid.

    Sorry, I am stumped…
    I came up with that because when I pointed your shortcode at a different folder, I saw the same issue as you, PDF icons – no thumbnails.
    I noticed the permissions were different than the previous location so created a new folder and added new files which immediately had the 755 permissions and it all worked.

    What about the main folder where the files are being uploaded, is it also 0755?

    Thread Starter Stu8080


    I’ve tried setting permissions on the directory they are stored and setting it to be recursive to all subdomains and files to no avail.

    It must be something on my wordpress install if its working for you, i’ll try disabling plugins one by one ans see if theres something conflicting.

    Thanks for eliminating a few things for me though, at least i know its something my ends.


    I’m having this issue also

    I even added the code to the class.fileaway.php and it did say I should have thumbnails

    I did find out that although I had ImageMagick PHP enabled – I didn’t have ImageMagick itself installed

    I used the settings here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4208253/verify-imagemagick-installation and got

    Version: ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 2014-02-10 Q16 OpenMP https://www.imagemagick.org
    Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2009 ImageMagick Studio LLC

    Perhaps this can help point in the correct direction

    Just a further update I tried a different PDF and it worked…it maybe based on the paper size / setup and also how the PDF was generated

    Also you can’t have spaces in the file names

    Thread Starter Stu8080


    It was spaces in the file name! Nice one! Thank you very much

    I can confirm file names can not have spaces in order for thumbnails to be created for pdfs

    I have had no luck, I have no spaces in the filename , have changed permissions to 755 …just get the pdf icon.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    It just doesn’t work on some files, and isn’t compatible with everyone’s server settings. You may not have the library installed on your server necessary to do the conversion.

    From a post 7 months ago from Thom I tried this:

    Open up the file, go to line 14 and before this line:

    if(isset($atts[‘style’])) $atts[‘theme’] = $atts[‘style’];

    add this line:

    echo function_exists(‘exec’) ? ‘I should have thumbs.’ : ‘My host sucks.’;

    And I get “I should have thumbs” and as I assume you are not referring to the opposable type. I still have nothing, have also tried different PDFs.

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