Fields Don’t Toggle
I have tried the same code on two different sites with two different themes. It simply doesn’t want to toggle the hidden fields.
No issues in developer tools.Form
Company Name * [text* your-company-name] First Name * [text* your-first-name] Last Name * [text* your-last-name] Email * [text* your-email] Phone * [text* your-phone] Type(s) of courses you want developed: [checkbox* your-type "Online" "Seminar" "Blended Learning (both)"] Title(s) of course(s) you want developed (please be specific): * [textarea* your-dev-courses] Please list the number of student/employees for EACH COURSE you expect will be using the training annually: * [textarea* your-numbers] Will this course be for your company's use or do you plan on "re-selling" the offering? [radio your-resell "No" "Yes"] [group group-695] Do you have your own "e-commerce" application (an online program that allows you to "sell" the courses)?: [radio your-if-yes-resell "No" "Yes"] [/group] Will these be "Certification" courses (where your company will be issuing a certificate specifying training under a specific CFR) or is this to be an "awareness" training? [radio your-certification "Certification" "Awareness"] [group group-certification] Please list the CFR's: [text your-cfrs] [/group] Do you want Compliance Solutions to host and/or maintain the courses for you AFTER they are developed or do you want your own, branded portal?: [radio your-hosting "No" "Yes"] [group group-hosting-no] Do you have an LMS (Learning Management System): [radio your-do-you-have-lms "No" "Yes"] [/group] [group group-lms-yes] Name and version of application and year of install: [text your-name-version-lms] Is the LMS owned and hosted on your servers or hosted elsewhere? [radio your-lms-owned "No" "Yes"] Is the LMS SCORM compliant: [radio your-lms-scorm "No" "Yes"] [/group] How long do you anticipate each course(s) to be (in hours/minutes): [text your-course length] Please indicate if you want the following options included in the final course: [checkbox checkbox-819 "Audio" "Video" "Student Interactions" "Chapter Quizzes" "Final Exam" "Time/Student tracking" "Other"] [group group-video] Do you own video or will we purchase/shoot new? [radio your-video "Own" "Purchase" "Shoot New"] [/group] Do you have pre-written content for the course(s) or will we be developing it from scratch?: [radio your-content "No" "Yes"] [group group-content-yes] what format (Word, Power Point etc.): [text your-content-format] Do you have digital copies you can send us for review? [radio your-digital-content "No" "Yes"] [/group] Do you have written outlines for the training already developed? [radio your-outlines "No" "Yes"] [group group-outlines-yes] Can you send us a copy to review? [radio your-outlines-review "No" "Yes"] [/group] Will your company be providing an SME (Subject Matter Expert) to consult with on content/training issues or will this be our responsibility: [radio your-sme "No" "Yes"] What is your desired time frame for: Development [text your-dev-timeframe] Deployment [text your-deploy-timeframe] Do you have a working budget established for this project: [radio your-budget "No" "Yes"] [group group-budget-yes] What is your budget? [text your-budget-amount] [/group] [group group-budget-no] Have you ever had a online training project quoted? [text your-quoted-before] By who? [text your-quote-by-who] [/group] Use this area to list any special concerns, issues or areas of importance you would like is to know about: [textarea* your-special-concerns] <p>[captchac captcha-427 size:m]<br />[captchar captcha-427 placeholder "Enter Verification Code *"]</p> [submit class:wwm-button "Submit"]
Company: [your-company-name] First Name: [your-first-name] Last Name: [your-last-name] Phone: [your-phone] Type(s) of courses you want developed (online, seminar, blended learning (both): [your-type] Title(s) of course(s) you want developed (please be specific): [your-dev-courses] Please list the number of student/employees for EACH COURSE you expect will be using the training annually: [your-numbers] Will this course be for your company's use or do you plan on "re-selling" the offering? [your-resell] If Yes, do you have your own "e-commerce" application (an online program that allows you to "sell" the courses)?: [your-if-yes-resell] Will these be "Certification" courses (where your company will be issuing a certificate specifying training under a specific CFR) or is this to be an "awareness" training? [your-certification] (if "Certification" please list the CFR's): [your-cfrs] Do you want Compliance Solutions to host and/or maintain the courses for you AFTER they are developed or do you want your own, branded portal?: [your-hosting] (If No) Do you have an LMS (Learning Management System: [your-hosting] (If yes) Name and version of application and year of install): [your-name-version-lms] Is the LMS owned and hosted on your servers or hosted elsewhere? [your-lms-owned] Is the LMS SCORM compliant: [your-lms-scorm] How long do you anticipate each course(s) to be (in hours/minutes): [your-course length] Please indicate if you want the following options included in the final course: [checkbox-819] Video: [your-video] Do you have pre-written content for the course(s) or will we be developing it from scratch?: [your-content] If yes, what format (Word, Power Point etc.): [your-content-format] Do you have digital copies you can send us for review? [your-digital-content] Do you have written outlines for the training already developed? [your-outlines] If yes, can you send us a copy to review: [your-outlines-review] Will your company be providing an SME (Subject Matter Expert) to consult with on content/training issues or will this be our responsibility: [your-sme] What is your desired time frame for: Development: [your-dev-timeframe] Deployment: [your-deploy-timeframe] Do you have a working budget established for this project (if yes how much): [your-budget] [your-budget-amount] If No, have you ever had a online training project quoted: [your-quoted-before] By who: [your-quote-by-who] Use this area to list any special concerns, issues or areas of importance you would like is to know about: [your-special-concerns]
Conditions – most are radio buttons
if [your-certification] equals "Certification" then show [group-certification] if [your-budget] equals "No" then show [group-budget-no] if [your-budget] equals "Yes" then show [group-budget-yes] if [your-outlines] equals "Yes" then show [group-outline-yes] if [your-content] equals "Yes" then show [group-content-yes] if [your-do-have-lms] equals "Yes" then show [group-lms-yes] if [checkbox-819] equals "Video" then show [group-video] if [your-hosting] equals "No" then show [group-hosting-no] if [your-resell] equals "Yes" then show [group-695]
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