• Resolved centauromax


    I’m reporting a problem in the plugin configuration: you can not leave blank the Reply-To field. We would like to send the mail with Reply-To set dynamically. In the specific case, putting in the “Reply-To” field the email address of the user who compiled our form. Is it possible to do it with your plugin?


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  • Plugin Contributor Sylvain Deaure


    Use ‘headers’ as reply-to.

    The plugin will then use the field that is filled by your form.
    Make sure your plugin fills the headers with the wanted “reply-to”.

    (it works with contact form 7 f.i.)

    Thread Starter centauromax


    I’m sorry, but it is not resolved. I’m using Contact Form 7 and I have already set
    Reply-To: [customer-email]
    but the mail is always sent with a fixed Reply-To.

    The problem is in the WP SES GUI:
    Sender : Email [email protected]
    Name : xxxxxx
    Return Path: [email protected]
    Reply To : [email protected] <– You can not erase

    If I cancel the Reply-To field and hit “Save”, the [email protected] content reappears.
    The mails are always sent with the Reply-to = [email protected].

    Plugin Contributor Sylvain Deaure


    Dot not *erase* “reply-to”, set it to


    Like the GUI says ,
    “set to “headers” to extract Reply-to from email headers. ”

    Thread Starter centauromax


    Ok. I set “headers” in the Reply-To field, but now the email is not sent. When I press “Send” in the form it remains in hourglass all the time. If I send the WP SES test the mail, it works correctly. Putting [email protected], it works again by sending the form.

    Plugin Contributor Sylvain Deaure


    I suppose you didn’t include the quotes around
    (no quote needed)

    Activate the wp-ses logs, try again and post the logs, will see what happens.

    You can also check
    for some working configs from users.

    Thread Starter centauromax


    This is the log:

    Start Logging
    1461174041 wpses_mail [email protected] From: Adriano
    X-WPCF7-Content-Type: text/plain
    Reply-To: [email protected]

    1461174042 Error SimpleEmailService::sendEmail(): Sender – MessageRejected: Email address is not verified.
    Request Id: 0114a6a8-071f-11e6-a3d2-e30c26681d68

    1461174059 2 Verified Identities.
    1461174059 Sender Ok
    1461174095 2 Verified Identities.
    1461174095 Sender Ok
    1461174120 2 Verified Identities.
    1461174120 Sender Ok

    Now the Reply-To field is correctly set to [email protected], but this fails with “Sender – MessageRejected: Email address is not verified.”. Even the address entered in the Reply-To has to be verified? If so, it is impossible to implement what I wanted to do because the customer mails are not verified.

    Plugin Contributor Sylvain Deaure


    This is an Amazon SES requirement.

    You can have a custom “reply-to”, but Sender and Return-path
    must be SES validated.

    1. Sender Email = an email address that’s been verified at SES
    2. Return path = an email address that’s been verified at SES
    3. Reply To = headers

    Thread Starter centauromax


    Hi Sylvain,
    the configuration is correct:
    1. Sender Email = an email address verified at SES
    2. Return path = same email addres
    3. Reply To = headers
    but not works. If I change ONLY the field
    Reply To = same email address
    works. WP SES seems works differently.

    Plugin Contributor Sylvain Deaure


    Check and post your WP-SES logs again.

    Thread Starter centauromax


    1461229716 Start Logging
    1461229746 2 Verified Identities.
    1461229746 Sender Ok
    1461229858 wpses_mail [email protected] From: Adriano
    X-WPCF7-Content-Type: text/plain
    Reply-To: [email protected]

    1461229859 Error SimpleEmailService::sendEmail(): Sender – MessageRejected: Email address is not verified.
    Request Id: f6468fda-07a0-11e6-b9f1-836fc6541914

    1461229891 2 Verified Identities.
    1461229891 Sender Ok

    Plugin Contributor Sylvain Deaure


    From should contain an email, not just a name.
    And there’s no return-path in your headers.
    Nothing SES validated in your headers (nor from nor return-path)
    So Amazon can’t validate anything and won’t send the mail.
    Set from to a validated email, and only force Reply-to.

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