• Resolved Cas


    I am dealing with something similar as I saw another user posting:

    My scenario is:
    1. Created a csv feed that refreshes twice daily
    2. Updated the existing feed’s field mapping to add one extra field
    3. Manually refreshed the feed to see the new column added to the feed

    My analysis so far:
    The created feed is successful with the initial load and refreshed twice daily. Every refresh records are added and records are removed, so it seems that the CSV is in a folder where is has the proper rights to be both created as well as updated (this is a potential issue that was mentioned to the other user of above mentioned ticket).

    If I create a new feed with the same column that I just added then the column is successfully loaded, the issue is only when adding new columns to existing feeds.

    A manual refresh on a feed that is scheduled to refresh twice daily should work, but I found that actually the number of records in the manually refreshed feed also doesn’t match the number of records it should be.

    To conclude, maybe the issue is not with updating existing feeds, but simply that manual refreshes don’t work correctly. Only scheduled and initial loads. Any idea what to try?

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  • Hi casuya,

    Thanks for using our plugin and reaching out to us. I am struggling to understand what the exact issue at hand is.

    Do I understand correct that:

    • When you add columns to an already existing feed and manually reprocess the feed those columns are not being added to the feed?
    • And when you manually refresh a product feed there are less products in the feed than when the feed is being updated automatically?

    This should be impossible as both the manual and automated updates use the exact identical code. The only difference is that the automated updates are triggered by a cron event and the manual updates are triggered by you pressing an icon.

    Are you sure you are not looking at an old/cached version of the feed when you are doing a manual update?

    Bear in mind that:

    1. When an update of a feed has finished and the status says ready that in some cases it could still take up to 20 seconds for the new feed to work (old feed gets deleted, temp feed will be renamed)
    2. When you download your CSV files locally the name of the CSV is identical to the one you created and downloaded before. Most browser will therefor add an (1), (2), (3) and so on behind the file names. Make sure you are checking the correct one;

      Hope this helps.

      All the best,

    Thread Starter Cas


    I think I found the issue. I manually downloaded the CSV through FTP. That version did contain the new column. So the issue is caused by the cache (browser or server tbd) feeding me the old version when I download the updated feed through the browser. Ticket can be closed.

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