If it’s this phrase you’re thinking of specifically at the moment:
Select list(s) to subscribe to
Then we admittedly don’t have a readymade handy filter available, but due to the fact that we have made the plugin internationalization friendly, it’s still possible that it could be customized with a touch of code.
If you’re comfortable with copy/pasting some code into your active theme’s functions.php file, then this following snippet should work. You’ll want to change the “Yo, choose your list!” to what wording you actually want here.
function camillebti_customize_ctct_label( $text, $translation, $domain ) {
// This filter runs on A LOT of things, so we return if not working with our intended text value.
if ( 'Select list(s) to subscribe to' !== $text ) {
return $text;
// We found a match, so now let's return something custom.
return 'Yo, choose your list!';
add_filter( 'gettext', 'camillebti_customize_ctct_label', 10, 3 );
Alternatively, if you prefer, I can turn this into a tiny plugin for you to install alongside everything else. Just let me know what you want the wording to say, so that I can get that in place ahead of time.