• Hello, on my site starpets.com.co I am using CF7 with conditional fields, but I have a mess, I have 16 groups created within the form code, each of these groups has a list of different recipients, when the user diligently The form shows the notice that it was sent successfully, but it never really reaches any of the mailboxes of the emails that are selected. I think the problem is in the “To:” field of the “E-mail” tab, but I really do not know what to type here.

    As I understand, I should put in the field “To:” the text “recipient-1” that corresponds to group 1, but I have 16 groups and each group contains a series of recipients, as I ask the CF7 to send it to that recipient in specific? try putting in the field “To:” the 16 groups so [recipient-1] [recipient-2] … but do not take it

    Now, if in the field “To:” I put these characters [your-name] <[your-email]> that are indicated in the CF7 tutorial, it shows me the message that was sent correctly, but messages never arrive at the mailbox of the selected email

    so the code is configured now, according to your indication:

    <div class=”cont-formulario”>
    <div class=”cont-2col”>
    [text* your-name class:label-form placeholder “Nombre”]

    <div class=”cont-2col”>
    [text* Apellido class:label-form placeholder “Apellido”]

    <div class=”cont-2col”>
    [email* your-email class:label-form placeholder “Correo electrónico”]

    <div class=”cont-2col”>
    [tel* Numero_telefonico class:label-form placeholder “Número Telefónico”]

    <div class=”cont-2col”>
    [select* Departamentos class:label-form placeholder “Departamento” “Antioquia” “Atlántico” “Bolívar” “Boyacá” “Caldas” “Cesar” “Chocó” “Córdoba” “Cundinamarca” “La Guajira” “Magdalena” “Putumayo” “Santander” “Sucre” “Tolima” “Valle”]

    <div class=”cont-2col”>
    [group Antioquia clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-1 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Arbey Vásquez|[email protected]” “Carlos Lopez|[email protected]” “David Vallejo|[email protected]” “Felipe Mariaka|[email protected]” “Julian Tobón|[email protected]” “Edwin Gmail|[email protected]” “Edwin Hotmail|[email protected]” “Edwin Orbitapps|[email protected]”]

    [group Atlantico clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-2 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]” “Katrina Lux|[email protected]”]

    [group Bolivar clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-3 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]” “Katrina Lux|[email protected]”]

    [group Boyaca clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-4 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Arbey Vásquez|[email protected]” “Carlos Sánchez|[email protected]” “Nelson García|[email protected]”]

    [group Caldas clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-5 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Arbey Vásquez|[email protected]”]

    [group Cesar clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-6 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]”]

    [group Choco clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-7 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “David Vallejo|[email protected]” “Felipe Mariaka|[email protected]”]

    [group Cordoba clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-8 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Felipe Mariaka|[email protected]”]

    [group Cundinamarca clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-9 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Alejandra Rios Gonzalez|[email protected]” “Arbey Vásquez|[email protected]” “Carlos Sánchez|[email protected]” “Jorge Alberto Rincón|[email protected]” “Nelson García|[email protected]” “Paola Lozada|[email protected]”]

    [group La_Guajira clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-10 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]”]

    [group Magdalena clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-11 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]” “Katrina Lux|[email protected]”]

    [group Putumayo clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-12 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Nelson García|[email protected]”]

    [group Santander clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-13 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Arbey Vásquez|[email protected]”]

    [group Sucre clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-14 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]” “Felipe Mariaka|[email protected]”]

    [group Tolima clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-15 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Sánchez|[email protected]”]

    [group Opcion_Valle clear_on_hide]
    [select* destinatario-16 class:label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Ana Piedrahíta|[email protected]”]

    <div class=”cont-1col”>
    [text* your-subject class:label-form-ancho placeholder “Asunto”]
    [textarea* your-message class:label-form-ancho class:label-mensaje placeholder “Escriba su mensaje aquí”]

    <div class=”boton”>
    [submit class:boton-enviar “ENVIAR”]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    As I understand, I should put in the field “To:” the text “recipient-1” that corresponds to group 1

    I don’t understand. Where is this “recipient-1” coming from?

    Thread Starter orbitapps


    As they indicated to me in support of conditional fields, each name must be different within each group, as I have 16 groups, which each count with a list of contact emails, I gave each of the 16 groups the respective name ” recipient-1 “,” recipient-2 “…., you can understand it by seeing only these 3 examples:

    [grupo Antioquia clear_on_hide]
    [select * destinatario-1 class: marcador de posición de forma de etiqueta “Asesor” “Arbey Vásquez|[email protected]” “Carlos Lopez | carlos. [email protected] “” David Vallejo|[email protected] “” Felipe Mariaka|[email protected] “” Julian Tobón|[email protected] ” “Edwin Gmail|[email protected]” “Edwin Hotmail|[email protected]” “Edwin Orbitapps|[email protected]”]
    [/ grupo]

    [grupo Atlántico clear_on_hide]
    [select * destinatario-2 class: label-form placeholder “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]” “Katrina Lux|[email protected]”]
    [ /grupo]

    [grupo Bolívar clear_on_hide]
    [seleccione * destinatario-3 clase: marcador de posición en forma de etiqueta “Asesor” “Carlos Guzmán|[email protected]” “Katrina Lux|[email protected]”]
    [ /grupo]

    I did a test by configuring the “To:” field like this:

    but I’m not sure that this is the right solution, can you guide me?

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