• Resolved jgcramer



    I have buyed the premium version, now iam building i have a few questions:

    1. How to set the left menu bar dynamic?
    2. How to get the product box longer/dynamic?
    3. How to get the price box dynamic?
    3. How to translate my products?
    4. Could i get a big picture above eatch catogory/page (eatch catogory have there own picture), so i can tell customer on eatch product to check the picture with a ID link so they cal look where its fitted.

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  • Thread Starter jgcramer


    Another question,

    Iam thinking to not use the catogory, but tags, so i can use 1 product for multiple ‘catogory’s’.

    Can i create a page with a link to a tag? Like:
    product-catalogue id=’1′ But than linking it to a Tag?

    And how to hide the catogory from the menu-bar than?

    Thread Starter jgcramer


    I have found how to hide the catogory form true CSS:
    .prod-cat-sidebar-category-div {display:none;}

    Only how not to hide mij Tag menu when clicking on it.

    Hi cramer,

    1. I’m not sure what you mean by dynamic here. Could you elaborate?
    2. Since you’re only using the detail view for your catalog, you can adjust its styling in the “Detail” are of the “Styling” tab. If what you want to do isn’t possible just from the options here, then you can add some custom CSS to your catalog.
    3. Again, I’m not sure what you mean by dynamic here.
    3. Do you mean you’re going to have more than one language on your site? If so, then we recommend creating separate catalogs for each language. That way you have full control over the names, categories, custom fields, etc. for each.
    4. To display category images on the main catalog page, you can use the “Display Category Image” and “Display Sub-Category Image” options in the “Basic” area of the “Options” tab.

    We do offer URL parameters for filtering, which would allow to link directly to your catalog with a specific tag pre-filtered. For example: “?tags=9”. We explain this in our tutorial video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYpRuukkqLw.

    I don’t see a “mij Tag” menu.

    Thread Starter jgcramer


    1. I mean, when the text is growing in length the side bar width will also automaticly adjust.

    2. I mean, how to stretch the product-box width, so i can add more text without it will add a extra line.

    3. I mean, how to stretch the product price-box width, so i can add more text without it will add a extra line.

    4. Ok, so i have to create the exact catalog and product onze more? Its not possible to get a extra language for eatch article?

    5. I have created a my tag drop down menu (Selecteer machine:). If i type in URL:https://carwashshop.eu/?tags=10 It wont load, what could i do wrong?

    Thread Starter jgcramer


    Any update? Yet another question ??

    6. How do hide the custom catogory with pictures from the startpage 9https://www.carwashshop.eu/, and replace them with my own with tags instead of category’s(if 5 will work)?

    Hi Cramer,

    For #1, #2 and #3:
    As the product catalog is designed to fit your WordPress theme’s main container, I’d suggest making your theme’s content container wider.
    The “Decode” theme you’re using appears to have it set to be 60% width of the browser window.
    You can probably increase this by going to your theme’s settings (in the left side menu, click Appearance->Customize) and change the content width to be higher than 60%.

    Yes, the only way to make sure you have complete control over the language displayed within your products is to create separate catalogues (1 per language).

    When I’m on this page: https://www.carwashshop.eu/?categories=2, I selected different options in the “Selecteer machine:” dropdown and the results seem to load, so I’m not sure what the problem is?

    We don’t have a built in functionality for this, but you can try something like this:

    1. Create a new page (let’s say you call it “shop”), add this shortcode:
      [product-catalogue overview_mode='None']
    2. Remove the shortcode from here: https://www.carwashshop.eu/ and replace it with static images/content for tags you want.
    3. Then have each tag link to the shop page with ?tags=… after each link.
      For example:
      Clicking a tag that had an ID of 6, will bring the user to:
    Thread Starter jgcramer


    1. OK
    2. I dont now what you mean, i think you mean to edit my FrontPage page, but with what?
    3. OK

    Hi Cramer,

    In your WordPress admin, click “Pages” on the left side menu. On this page, do you see an entry called something like “Home — Front Page”?

    If so, edit it and remove the [product-catalogue… code that’s there and replace it with whatever content you want to add that relates to your tags (images, plain links…etc)

    Thread Starter jgcramer


    I have removed the string and have only typed:


    I also have tested a link

    butt wenn I click it, it wont load the tags, also the startpage looks strange with (I toughy ony to see ghe url)

    Thread Starter jgcramer


    The Tag is working now ..


    But can I also use it to open it in detail view?

    Thread Starter jgcramer


    Also have found this, thank you!

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