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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    First and foremost try to identify what is breaking your site by just disabling CSS or JS or HTML or Image optimization (incl. lazyload).

    Once you know that, dive in and try identify what code/ files (CSS or JS) are responsible for the broken feature and try excluding that.

    If the problem is with JS, chances are you’ll find useful information on your browser’s developer console.

    There’s more info in the troubleshooting tips and info on exclusions in the AO FAQ.

    hope this helps,

    Thread Starter mrprainx


    Thank you.

    After trying what you suggested, I’m positive it’s the CSS Optimization which causes these issues.

    I’m unaware on how to find the specific css causing this.

    But I will try.

    Tank you.

    Thread Starter mrprainx


    It looks like deactivating the “Inline “above the fold CSS” while loading the main autoptimized CSS only after page load.” option makes everything work fine.

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    OK, as a first step you can try excluding wp-content/themes or wp-content/plugins from CSS optimization to find out if the problem is with the theme or a plugin?

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    missed this one;

    It looks like deactivating the “Inline “above the fold CSS” while loading the main autoptimized CSS only after page load.” option makes everything work fine

    in that case you’ll have to tweak the “above the fold CSS” you entered (or re-generate it elsewhere).

    Thread Starter mrprainx


    It’s a plugin.

    If I exclude wp-content/plugins it works.

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    OK, next step would be to try to exclude each plugin one at a time from CSS optimization by excluding wp-content/plugins/<plugin directory name>.

    Thread Starter mrprainx


    Ok. It seems it has something to do with WPBakery Page Builder because if I deactivate the /plugins/js_composer folder, images appears


    still some of them go out of the body of the page.

    I’ll try to investigate more.

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    try unticking “also aggregate inline CSS” and/ or removing wp-content/uploads from the CSS exclusions maybe.

    Thread Starter mrprainx


    No it doesn’t work.

    At the moment, the only way to make it work is to untick the “Inline “above the fold CSS”” option.

    Partially, also excluding /plugins/js_composer folder

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    in that case you’ll indeed have to tweak the “above the fold CSS” you entered (or re-generate it elsewhere) mrprainx

    Thread Starter mrprainx


    I didn’t put anything there. It was empty.

    For now, I’ve just untick the whole option.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    not having anything in there will cause big “flash(es) of unstyled content” mrprainx, in that case it indeed is better to have the option off ??

    Thread Starter mrprainx


    Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea about what to write in there! ??

    My fault.

    Would Critical CSS help in this regard?

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    the AO FAQ has info on how to deal with that, but yes the critical CSS power-up indeed is built to automate that ??

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