And yes it’s possible. I have found a rough method : editing the file \wp-content\plugins\wpematico\app\campaign_fetch_functions.php
$vars = array(
'{feedfavicon}' => $feed->get_favicon(), // <== ADD THIS ===
'{title}' => $current_item['title'],
'{content}' => $current_item['content'],
'{itemcontent}' => $item->get_description(),
'{image}' => $img_str,
'{author}' => $autor,
'{permalink}' => $current_item['permalink'],
'{feedurl}' => $feed->feed_url,
'{feedtitle}' => $feed->get_title(),
'{feeddescription}' => $feed->get_description(),
'{feedlogo}' => $feed->get_image_url(),
This will create a new tag {feedfavicon} that we can use in “post template”.
Yes, it’s not recommendable to touch original files, but I’m not a php ninja. Maybe someone can put here a way that is more healthy than this one.