• Resolved Dlo015


    I feel like this is an easy fix, and I am sorry if I’m just being a dummy! But I just downloaded this plugin and when I go to “New Review” in Gutenberg and then put in the ISBN, hit “fetch,” nothing happens. The “fetch” just has an endless spinning circle, as if it’s trying, but nothing is happening.

    What am I doing wrong here?

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  • Plugin Author Kemory Grubb



    If the plugin is having trouble fetching data, it usually means there was an JavaScript error. Can you check your browser’s JavaScript console and give me the error message that is there? Also, which ISBN are you trying to work with?

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    How do I check my browser’s JavaScript console? Where do I go to see this?

    I’ve tried 2 ISBNs: 0061134147 for a book called Challenger Deep, and 1250144841 for a book called Sometimes I Lie

    Plugin Author Kemory Grubb


    Press F12 on your keyboard, then look for “Console” in the window that opens.

    I just checked those 2 ISBNs on my test site and I was able to get the data.

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    It says:

    Uncaught Error: Invalid XML: <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html class=”desktop
    <head prefix=”og: https://ogp.me/ns# fb: https://ogp.me/ns/fb# good_reads: https://ogp.me/ns/fb/good_reads#”&gt;
    <title>Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman</title>

    Plugin Author Kemory Grubb


    That is just a part of the error message, there should be more information such as where in the response has the error. Can you provide the rest of the error message for me?

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Here is all of the red! (I’m guessing this is all of it?)

    Uncaught Error: Invalid XML: <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html class="desktop
    <head prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns# fb: https://ogp.me/ns/fb# good_reads: https://ogp.me/ns/fb/good_reads#">
      <title>Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman</title>
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        at XMLHttpRequest.c (load-scripts.php:4)
    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Any advice?

    Plugin Author Kemory Grubb


    Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like that before as it is mentioning Google Ads related scripts in the request. The feature should have nothing to do with that.

    To resolve this I would have to debug it on the live site – for that I would need to log in to the site.

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Ok. I can do that. Can we make arrangements for this? I really want to use this plugin!

    Can you email me at *** so we can arrange for this?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Dlo015.
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