• pirate988


    I was trying your plugin and whenever i activate it i get this error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function yit_add_thumbnails_slider_direction() in <WP-content path>/plugins/yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier/init.php on line 47

    after that I’m unable to access the back-end or front-end and I’ll have to delete the plugin using the FTP access in order to regain access to my site.
    Any suggestion ?


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  • trapuh



    Experiencing the same error and looking for a way to sort it out ! Have you found any solution for this ? I’ll let you know as soon as i manage to sort it out … or not !

    Thanks, best regards!



    Hi !

    Just comment out that line, or alternatively, try moving line 47 ( the call to yit_add_thumbnails_slider_direction() ) to after these lines at the bottom of the init.php file :

    global $yith_wcmg;
    $yith_wcmg = new YITH_WCMG();
    /* insert call for add_thumbnails_slider_direction here () */

    Haven’t tried the last method but should work. Commenting out that line definitely works! ??

    Thread Starter pirate988


    Thank you trapuh,
    I tried to move that line to the end of the function and it worked.
    I still don’t know what’s wrong and why this issue is not more common
    Thanks a lot



    hi and hello,
    i have the same problem:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function yit_add_thumbnails_slider_direction() in /home/content/53/11316553/html/……../wp-content/plugins/yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier/init.php on line 47

    i dont now how to fix that problem trapuh, PLEASE can you explain one more time for dummies how it works.

    best regards

    Thread Starter pirate988


    Hello Carstenm,
    download the zip archive to your laptop. after that open the zip archive and you will find a file called init.php
    open that file and go to the line number 47
    add_option( ‘yith_wcmg_slider_direction’, apply_filters( ‘yith_wcmg_slider_direction’, ‘left’ ) );

    and move it to the end of the function before the } and after these two lines
    global $yith_wcmg;
    $yith_wcmg = new YITH_WCMG();
    after that save the file

    Finally, go back to your wordpress back-end and upload the modified zip file



    thank you pirate… for fast replay… yes the problem is fixed now

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