• Resolved nydes


    Jeg har installert Bring Fraktguiden som dere har utviklet. Den har fungert greit en stund, takk! S? oppdaterte jeg den i sta og fikk f?gende beskjed p? handlekurvsiden:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/arinchik/public_html/made4you.no/wp-content/plugins/bring-fraktguiden-for-woocommerce/classes/class-wc-shipping-method-bring.php on line 332

    Hva betyr dette og hva kan jeg gj?re for ? bli kvitt av denne meldingen?



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  • Hi

    Does the shop have any Fraktguiden services selected?

    See admin -> Woo Commerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> Fraktguiden – Services

    Sorry! Double post. Please ignore

    Thread Starter nydes


    Thank you for replying me! As there was no indication for that there were choices there, I left this field without clicking on it. Now I have updated it with the choices I needed and the error message is away. Thanks for helping me! ??

    By the way, I think it would be better if the customers could see “Kliman?ytral pakke” instead of “P? posten”. The first name speaks for itself.

    > By the way, I think it would be better if the customers could see “Kliman?ytral pakke” instead of “P? posten”. The first name speaks for itself.

    Right now we are using the ‘Display Name’, the non-technical product name given by Fraktguiden ‘Display Name’ is intended for end-users.
    We may change this in the future or fix it by making it a configuration option for shop administrators. Eg. Use ‘Display name’ or ‘Product Name’ for display.

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