• Hi all,

    I have managed to successfully install feedwordpress and would like to know if pingomatic is pinged each time feedwordpress updates mu blog.

    Also, where do other users actually get the rss for my site from?

    thanks John

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  • John,

    Yes, Ping-O-Matic (or whatever other XML-RPC services you have configured WordPress to ping for new posts) will be pinged when you receive new posts via FeedWordPress. FWP does, however, only send *one* ping per update, no matter how many new posts you receive from that update.

    I’m not sure if I understood your second question. The RSS or Atom feed for your site should still be at the normal location (https://xyz.com/blog/feed/ or https://xyz.com/blog/feed/atom or whatever you like). Posts syndicated through FeedWordPress will show up in your RSS feed like any other posts.

    Hope this helps.

    –Charles Johnson

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