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  • There are literally tons of them — the sploggers just love ’em. An old list can be found here:

    Are there any solid working plugins that do the job? Wp-O-Matic seems to be the only tool that us currently updated but doesn’t seem to work very well even this late in it’s development.

    Perosnally, I’m looking for something that will just stick my shared stories from google reader amongst all my own articles on my site, to avoid having to manually repost everything that I find interesting.

    I’d preferably like something that automatically links back to the original page too, to show support for the people who privide the rss feeds in which I find my stuff.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    Why do people republish other people’s stuff? I’ve never understood this.

    Unless you have specific permission from them, or they license it in a way that allows you to use it, you’re violating their copyright. Not to mention filling the web with copies of stuff already there.

    Seriously, come up with your own content.

    Its just a nice way to show your friends stuff you’re intereted in and think they’d like too. For me anyway. I know there are lots of people that try and do this to gain traffic with adsense but for me, I’m into design and a lot of my friends are, and its just a way to filter “the good stuff” out for anyone interested. And as I said, I would like to be able to acknowlege the original sources too, this isn’t about stealing at all.

    In fact, yes, tumblr has the feature exactly how i’d like it, and they don’t promote it as stealing, they promote it as sharing. Now if only this could be done with wordpress, using a 3rd party source like tumblr takes away many oppertunitys for customisation.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    “Sharing” would be sending links to the original content to your friends. Republishing content from RSS feeds, without permission, is stealing.

    I’d recommend using tumblr instead. This is not something that WordPress supports, nor is it something I think WordPress should (or will) add support for anytime soon.

    Well thats up to the creators of the plugins really, isn’t it? I’m supprised that people involved with a blogging platform are in the business of censoring and controlling what the users of the software wish to use it for.

    Information is passed around from blog to blog, thats how news travells on the net. I subscribe to at least 50 different RSS feeds and a lot of them end up having the same snippets of content here and there. People find something, they stick it in their blog and other people do the same, if they also find it interesting.

    The only issue here seems to be that you are against this being done in a more automatic manner.

    I can see your blog is more like a diary, and I’m sure you have a select circle of friends that are interested in it. Thats your purpose for blogging. Don’t blindly attempt to dismiss other peoples found uses of blogging systems as being irrelevant.

    I simply want to be able to have a site, with stuff I find elsewhere… that is customised to how I like it, that my friends can come back to and see the interesting snippets I find. And note, I’ve said TWICE now, that I would prefer to link back to the original article too. WordPress is a great platform to do so and I’m sure there is already a plugin out there that does the task at hand.

    OK, lets say for arguments sake, I subscribe to some flickr group RSS feeds (which I do) and I come across a nice piece of work which I’d like to link to.

    Flickr automatically generates thumbnails for all of the work they have in their RSS feeds.

    Do I have to manually take a screenshot, crop, resize for my blog? What would be the point? And at the end of the day, the person who submitted this work on flickr gets more views! I really don’t see an issue. It’s only using wordpress as a kind of “favorite bits” linkage site. I know there are many services that might offer something similar to this out there, for example but it isn’t the *same*, and convincing your non techy friends to keep visiting them isn’t easy either but when you have your own personal site, they see things a little differently…

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    I can see your blog is more like a diary, and I’m sure you have a select circle of friends that are interested in it. Thats your purpose for blogging. Don’t blindly attempt to dismiss other peoples found uses of blogging systems as being irrelevant.

    Actually my blog is more like a dumping ground for whatever the hell I feel like dumping there. I don’t take it particularly seriously, and I am continually baffled at where that 1000 hits per day comes from. ??

    Nevertheless, my point was simply that this is not something built into WordPress, nor is it something that is likely to be there in the future. This is for a few reasons, actually.

    The main one is that the primary use of such a system is splogs. Spammers stealing content from other sources in order to stick ads onto it, or some such thing.

    Now, admittedly, my own opinion is that blogs such as the type of blog you are describing are essentially worthless. When it’s simply repeating original content from elsewhere, then it’s not only useless in that the content could be found elsewhere, but it’s potentially damaging to the original source of the content in the first place, as the content has been reproduced and thus may be seen as duplicated by search engines.

    I have no problem with posting links to content. But reposting somebody else’s content, in its entirety, is really bad form. I mean, it’s one thing if you post a link to it and maybe a picture from it and add your own commentary to that. That’s fine, that’s adding something, even if it is your own opinion. But you’re talking about automatically or semi-automatically pulling content from elsewhere and then republishing it. That’s not cool… even if you are doing it manually.

    The thing is, it’s not like I’m reposting content because most of the stuff that I get in my feeds is a description, a picture and a link to another site (that site being where the real content is, such as a designers portfolio for example).. Not whole essays…

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