• I have been at this for 2 days now… I loaded and activated the feedburner plugin, and when I click through the “create a FeedBurner feed for KoolaidMoney.”, I get this:

    The feed URL you entered is:
    FeedBurner discovered more than one feed at that address. Please select one to use as your source:
    RSS 2.0: https://www.koolaidmoney.com/feed/
    RSS .92: https://www.koolaidmoney.com/feed/rss/
    Atom 0.3: https://www.koolaidmoney.com/feed/atom/

    Then I go through each address and get the following error:

    The URL you entered does not appear to be a valid feed. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 2: The processing instruction target matching “[xX][mM][lL]” is not allowed.

    I click through the feed validator and get the following message:

    This feed does not validate.

    line 1, column 1: Blank line before XML declaration [help]

    line 1, column 30: XML parsing error: <unknown>:1:30: XML declaration not well-formed [help]

    I have gone through every rss, atom, function, config php file and deleted excess line spaces before/after <? and ?>. I cannot figure out where to correct the second error. I am so frustrated right now, I just want to start my blog elsewhere.

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  • I am having the exact same issue with my site https://the-straight-line.com. And it is very frustrating.

    You are both hosted on godaddy’s free hosting. Search – you will find the explanation!

    I upgraded my account from free to paid and that solved the problem. Thanks for the direction.

    Thread Starter deck7


    Upgrading to a paid account did NOT resolve my problem. Now I get this when I click on “Create a feedburner feed”.

    The URL you entered does not appear to be a valid feed. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 1: Invalid encoding name “‘.get_option(‘blog_charset’).'”.

    Then when I click the error help, I get this:

    This feed does not validate.

    line 1, column 30: XML parsing error: <unknown>:1:30: XML declaration not well-formed [help]

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”‘.get_option(‘blog_charset’).'”?> ^Source: https://www.koolaidmoney.com/feed/
    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”‘.get_option(‘blog_charset’).'”?>
    <!– generator=”wordpress/2.3.1″ –>
    <rss version=”2.0″ xmlns:content=”https://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/&#8221; xmlns:wfw=”https://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/&#8221; xmlns:dc=”https://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/&#8221; >

    [I included the first few lines of code.]
    Where is this and how do I fix it?



    I am having this very same issue and I am not using a GoDaddy or any other free account. Anyone have any other answers?

    This is what I get:
    This feed does not validate.


    line 1, column 0: Undefined root element: br [help]


    line 2, column 0: XML parsing error: <unknown>:2:0: junk after document element [help]

    <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function do_feed() in <b>/home/ecalos …

    In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendation.


    Feeds should not be served with the “text/html” media type [help]

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