I’ll touch on the analytics side of your post.
Traditionally, navigational elements of a page are either at the top of the page or the left sidebar of a page. The top of your page contains 4 elements (two logos + two lines of text) all of which link to your home page (which the user is already on). The left sidebar contains google ads which use the exact same color scheme as every other link on your site. That’s great if you want to trick your users into clicking in order to earn some cash. It’s not so great if you are interested in bringing that Bounce Rate down.
With that said, there are always exceptions to the rules of “traditional” web design. There is nothing wrong with having your navigation in your right sidebar but if you are deceiving your users with faux navigation on the top and left then they will probably never find your right sidebar navigation … especially since it’s down below the welcome message and calendar.
As for the main content region, it’s very monotonous. You should give your “Technical How-To’s” section a unique design treatment as it’s meant to be a different section of the site than your “Restoration Journal”. Beyond that, breaking up the repetitive nature of your content region may entice your users to click deeper into your site but how you do that is up to you.
Dan.F is pointing you in the right direction for sure.