Feedback for the first version
Hi there, I’ve been looking for a suitable plugin to replace the now-outdated WP Editor plugin, and this one looks ideal! I’ve just installed it, and it works well, with the exception of a couple of glitches which I hope you can fix:
1) After installing this plugin, when I go to edit an existing page, it shows the “Text” tab by default, rather than the “Visual” tab, even though I have a function in my functions.php file which tells WordPress to always show the Visual tab first:
add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "tinymce";') );
If your plugin is disabled, and I edit a page, then it shows the Visual tab first, which is what it should do.
2) When I switch to the Visual tab, it shows the proper WYSIWYG version of the page, with the TinyMCE toolbar at the top – as expected. But directly underneath that panel, where the WYSIWYG page is displayed, is another panel that shows the text (HTML code) version of the page! In other words, the view that should only be shown when you select the “Text” tab, is now shown underneath the panel that you see when you select the “Visual” tab.
I could make a screenshot of this if needed.
3) One minor annoyance – and this might be caused by CodeMirror, rather than the plugin – is the way the tab setting works. You have a setting called “The width of Tab”, which is set to 4 by default. As a result, if I type in some HTML tag like
and hit Enter directly afterwards, the new line will be indented by 4 spaces. In other words, it inserts the value of the “tab width” in spaces at the start of a new line, after you have entered an HTML tag on the preceding line.Personally I find this annoying, as I don’t want to have any indentations like that. But there’s no way for me to disable it! If I enter ‘0’ as the tab value and click Save, it reverts back to 4.
Could you find a way to allow me to set the tab width to 0 so that there are no indentations when I start a new line after an HTML tag?
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