• Dear Users,

    We would like to hear your comments and opinions regarding what you would like to see in the upcoming versions of the sociable plug-in.

    New Services? New features? Different functionality? Visual enhancements?

    We just want to hear what you think and what you like and don’t like.

    Leave us a message and we’ll do our best to include your opinions.

    Dev Team

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  • I would love it if it stopped using the same ID tag several times in one page. This makes the pages no longer w3c compliant because the same ID can only be used once in a page.

    For instance it now creates the following line:

    <li class=”sociablefirst”><a rel=”nofollow” id=”linkedin” target=”_blank” href=….

    as often on the same page as I have set WordPress to show posts on one page (in my case WordPress only shows 5 posts per page so it also shows 5 times id=”linkedin”).

    Why not solve this with classes?

    Thread Starter sociable


    Duly noted, will be included in the upcoming version.

    The _blank option doesn’t work in Safari…


    1.) the alpha masking should be toggle-able or at least setable from the admin screen. I always invert it or turn it off altogether.

    2.) It would be nice if there was a ‘user_icons” folder that would safely survive upgrades. (i have several sites that demand ie6 usability, for which I have to replace the icons with Gif’s… even nicer if, whey you selected one of the site blocks on the admin page, if there was a toggle to expand that item, and a.) upload a new icon, b.) provide and customization available for that site

    3.) It would be great if the plugin automatically detected if the article2pdf plugin was avaialable and allowed you to replace the PDF link (eg: 'url' => the_permalink().'&article2pdf=1')

    4.) ditto customizations for ‘print’ – if a theme defines a ‘print’ format stylesheet and/or template, then that will likely provide better results than printfriendly.com

    5.) a widget should be included. yes, many people will use the inline stuff, but a widget is a ncie way to work with sociable too. (I currently just use the php code widget, and then do something like this:

    <div align="center"><?php
    	echo sociable_html(Array("Facebook", "Twitter", "MySpace", "Digg", "Google", "del.icio.us"));
     	echo sociable_html(Array("StumbleUpon", "LinkedIn", "email", "Print", "PDF", "RSS"));

    which gives me a nice chunky two-line widget block on the sidebar. so users always know where the share stuff is, because its ALWAYS in the same spot regardless of page, post, home, category view etc…

    6.) It would be great if you removed the Yoast feed from the dashboard, and if you MUST provide a dashboard feed block, please allow it to be turned off from the admin page (yes, I know it can be removed from the dashboard, but that is a per-user setting; it would be better if the plugin admin page globally toggled the feed inclusion)

    7.) a ‘favourite/bookmark’ (eg, the built in browser/non-social “bookmark” as an option would be nice too.

    Thanks for taking on sociable, its a ‘must have’ plugin that can only get better!!

    Would be great to have different image options available with the plugin such as size and background colour.
    I would also love for it to work with MPMU again!


    Finding a better place for this

    My problem was with php server 5.3. Sociable has an option to activate/disable sharing per post/page from wp admin. This works fine first time I add a post. But once the post is updated, this featured does not work. On checking I found that the post meta for this is assigned to
    parent post id only. So I fixed the plugin by adding parent post Id only.
    Also saving boolean 1/0 causes trouble in some cases, I modified this to
    char ‘Y’
    Here is my update. Please check and include the fix in next upgrade.

    function sociable_insert_post($pID) {
    	// get main post
    	// as usual
    	if (isset($_POST['sociableoff'])) {
    		if (get_post_meta($pID,'_sociableoff',true)!='Y'){
    			add_post_meta($pID, '_sociableoff', 'Y', true);
    	} else {
    		if (get_post_meta($pID,'_sociableoff',true)=='Y'){
    			delete_post_meta($pID, '_sociableoff');


    Put the images into one png and use css sprites. Making 30+ http requests for images can’t be good for performance.

    Thread Starter sociable


    @mattdot: we’re working on that, sprites will be included in the next version of the plugin.

    Would love a better e-mail integration. Perhaps an option to use the WP-Email plugin? Is there a way to do that now?

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