• Resolved Marco


    I installed the plugin and got the leaderboard to display almost out of the box, just by configuring the DFP Asynch Settings with the UI in the WP-Backend and then to use the widget to display the leaderboard where I want. I just had trouble with the terminology to find the DFP ID and Tag ID, because I couldn’t find anything pointing me to that direction in DFP and I had to try&error (Hint: an example in the screenshots, of how those IDs look like or where to get them in DFP would be more helpfull for non-devs than multiple shots of empty settings).

    Now, we need more ad sizes, but the documentation is somewhat confusing. I found multiple, different integration code examples here in the forum pointing to gist, plus the readme-file, the help notes in the backend or the VIP-Blog-post. Problem is, I don’t know exactly what code that I need where just to add more ad sizes.

    If I add the filter with the new Ad IDs to functions.php, nothing happens.

    I’m also looking to integrate the ad codes as widgets, because I have no idea how to add a rectangle into the middle of the sidebar otherwise.


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  • Thread Starter Marco


    damn, nevermind my last question about the widgets and sidebar: by adding the ad IDs (and the whole rest of the code) to functions.php as documented. so, something did happend! the widget got updated with the added sizes. now we are talking ??

    But then again, I did add the filters that seems to be for “DFP” not “DFP Async”. In DFP-Settings in the backend I can’t find “zone 1”, maybe the terminology means now the “ad units”, eg. “Line Items”. “Zone 1” is not anymore in use since DART is now Doubleclick.


    I’m hanging.

    I did add the codes more or less the same like here:

    The “do_action” calls work, btw. I just need those ad widgets for the sidebar.

    Plugin Contributor Daniel Bachhuber


    Can you share the code you’ve added with filters? All of the ad tags will need to be individually unique.

    Thread Starter Marco


    Here it is from the part of functions.php:

    // Whitelist default double click url
    add_filter( 'acm_whitelisted_script_urls', 'rk_acm_whiltelisted_script_urls');
    function rk_acm_whiltelisted_script_urls( $whitelisted_urls ) {
    	$whitelisted_urls = array( 'ad.doubleclick.net' );
    	return $whitelisted_urls;
    // Tokenize url
    add_filter( 'acm_default_url', 'rk_acm_default_url' ) ;
    function rk_acm_default_url( $url ) {
    	if ( 0 === strlen( $url )  ) {
    		return "https://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/%site_name%/%zone1%;s1=%zone1%;s2=;pid=%permalink%;fold=%fold%;kw=;test=%test%;ltv=ad;pos=%pos%;dcopt=%dcopt%;tile=%tile%;sz=%sz%;";
    // Add additional output tokens
    add_filter('acm_output_tokens', 'rk_acm_output_tokens', 5, 3 );
     * Let's fine tune our output tokens
     * This is the real example of
     * how easily you can modify output
     * depending on your ad network specs
    function rk_acm_output_tokens( $output_tokens, $tag_id, $code_to_display ) {
    	global $dfp_tile;
    	global $dfp_ord;
    	global $dfp_pos;
    	global $dfp_dcopt;
    	global $wp_query;
    	// We can't really rely on get_permalink() so use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI] as bulletproof solution for generating unique pids
    	$link = strlen( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) > 1 ? sanitize_key( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) : home_url();
    	$output_tokens['%permalink%'] = str_replace( array( '/',':', '.' ), "", $link );
    	$output_tokens['%random%'] = $dfp_ord;
    	$output_tokens['%tile%'] = ++$dfp_tile;
    	if (  false === $dfp_pos[ $code_to_display['url_vars']['sz'] ] ) {
    		$output_tokens['%pos%'] = 'top';
    		$dfp_pos[ $code_to_display['url_vars']['sz'] ] = true;
    	} else {
    		$output_tokens['%pos%'] = 'bottom';
    	if ( ! $dfp_dcopt ) {
    		$output_tokens['%dcopt%'] = 'ist';
    		$dfp_dcopt = true;
    	} else {
    		$output_tokens['%dcopt%'] = '';
    	$output_tokens['%test%'] = isset( $_GET['test'] ) && $_GET['test'] == 'on' ? 'on' : '';
    	return $output_tokens;
    add_filter( 'acm_ad_tag_ids', 'rk_ad_tags_ids' );
     * Let's expand default list of ad_tag_ids
     * with 1x1 tag used for richmedia ads
    function rk_ad_tags_ids( $ad_tag_ids ) {
    	return array(
    					'tag' => '728x90-atf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '728x90',
    						'fold' => 'atf',
    						'width' => '728',
    						'height' => '90',
    					'tag' => '728x90-btf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '728x90',
    						'fold' => 'btf',
    						'width' => '728',
    						'height' => '90',
    					'tag' => '300x250-atf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '300x250',
    						'fold' => 'atf',
    						'width' => '300',
    						'height' => '250',
    					'tag' => '300x250-btf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '300x250',
    						'fold' => 'btf',
    						'width' => '300',
    						'height' => '250',
    					'tag' => '160x600-atf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '160x600',
    						'fold' => 'atf',
    						'width' => '160',
    						'height' => '600',
    					'tag' => '1x1',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '1x1',
    						'fold' => 'int',
    						'pos' => 'top',
    					'tag' => '960x90-atf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '960x90',
    						'fold' => 'atf',
    						'width' => '960',
    						'height' => '90',
    					'tag' => '336x700-atf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '336x700',
    						'fold' => 'atf',
    						'width' => '336',
    						'height' => '700',
    					'tag' => '468x60-atf',
    					'url_vars' => array(
    						'sz' => '468x60',
    						'fold' => 'atf',
    						'width' => '468',
    						'height' => '60',
    add_filter( 'acm_output_html','rk_acm_output_html', 5, 2 );
    function rk_acm_output_html( $output_html, $tag_id ) {
    	$ltv_script = '<!-- DFP %pos% %sz% ad tag -->
    	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    if (typeof ord==\'undefined\') {ord=Math.random()*10000000000000000;}
    if (typeof(dfp_tile) == \'undefined\') dfp_tile=%tile%;
    document.write(\'<script language="JavaScript" src="%url%ord=\' + ord + \'?" type="text/javascript"><\/script>\');
    </script><noscript><a href="%url%ord=%random%?" target="_blank"><img src="%url%ord=%random%?" width="%width%" height="%height%" border="0" alt=""></a></noscript>
    <!-- //DFP %pos% %sz% tag -->';
    	return $ltv_script;
    Plugin Contributor Daniel Bachhuber


    Oh, I misread your initial post (a bit tired). The DFP Async should work out of the box, simply by selecting DFP Async as your provider and then adding your publisher and tag IDs. You’ll want to remove the DFP filters altogether.

    The widget should show a dropdown where you can select from the registered ad tags. Is that not the case?

    Thread Starter Marco


    there is no tag for other sizes than Leaderboard and Medium Rectangle, how can that work out of the box?

    a first test showed the leaderboard inside the full banner. the full banner space is generated at the moment by another plugin.

    I found that the dfp script code must be added to the header, even when the widget (head) is activated, or the ad will not show up.

    Plugin Contributor Daniel Bachhuber


    Sorry for the late reply here. Were you able to figure it out?

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