• darryl505


    Im having an issue here getting my feed validated and it wont get accepted into itunes. im so confused here and lost because ive been working on this for a week. The messages im getting i dont even have a clue how to fix or even where to start.

    The first thing its telling me it cant validate rawvoice.com ive never typed that anyplace so that must be hard coded someplace and i dont have a clue how to get it out because i dont see it. Its also saying things like the title doesnt match the channel but im using category podcasting so i dont think i have a way to make it match. I had to type in the name of that particular category to make it work. (i think) im being told there are iframes in the tag but i havent entered any iframe anyplace. below is the full message and the validation link. HELP!



    This feed does not validate.

    line 30, column 0: Unexpected Text (2 occurrences) [help]

    | Category Archives: Radio Dan Show Podcast <title>alldigitalradionetwork. …
    In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.

    line 1, column 38: Unable to validate namespace: https://www.rawvoice.com/rawvoiceRssModule/. See the RawVoice specification at https://www.rawvoice.com/services/tools-and-resources/rawvoice-rss-2-0-module-xmlns-namespace-rss2/ [help]

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><rss version=”2.0″
    line 30, column 79: Image title doesn’t match channel title [help]

    | Category Archives: Radio Dan Show Podcast <title>alldigitalradionetwork. …
    line 32, column 91: Image link doesn’t match channel link [help]

    … podcasts-archive/radio-dan-show-podcast/</link>
    line 46, column 0: content:encoded should not contain iframe tag (2 occurrences) [help]

    <ul class=”ssb_list_wrapper”><li class=”fb2″ style=”width:135px”><iframe src …
    line 46, column 0: content:encoded should not contain data-url attribute (2 occurrences) [help]

    <ul class=”ssb_list_wrapper”><li class=”fb2″ style=”width:135px”><iframe src …
    line 46, column 0: content:encoded should not contain script tag (6 occurrences) [help]

    <ul class=”ssb_list_wrapper”><li class=”fb2″ style=”width:135px”><iframe src …
    line 46, column 0: content:encoded should not contain data-size attribute (2 occurrences) [help]

    <ul class=”ssb_list_wrapper”><li class=”fb2″ style=”width:135px”><iframe src …
    line 46, column 0: content:encoded should not contain data-href attribute (2 occurrences) [help]

    <ul class=”ssb_list_wrapper”><li class=”fb2″ style=”width:135px”><iframe src …
    line 78, column 1: Missing recommended iTunes channel element: itunes:category [help]

    line 78, column 1: The recommended <itunes:email> element is missing [help]



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  • Thread Starter darryl505


    Thanks Angelo, BOTH of those things are done. As far as email are they talking about my itunes email or do they just mean a valid email address? And i have 3 categories set up not just one. there is literally no way for me to do more categories

    Thread Starter darryl505


    is there any possibility that the fact that the actual site is on godaddy that the plugin is somehow being screwed up by Godaddy’s servers. I moved ALL of the media off godaddy.. the artwork and the mp3 files and im getting the same errors still. And when it comes to the category and email address i know for a FACT that those are all filled in.

    Plugin Support Shawn


    They’re just looking for a valid contact e-mail address. It doesn’t have to be the address on your iTunes account.

    Thread Starter darryl505


    thats what i thought.. thats most definately there. so if im getting error messages from something that i know ive put in i dont know how to solve that problem. and if its telling me that THAT is not there it could also be wrong about telling me that the media server wont provide byte range requests. thats making me think there is some issue with the plugin or wp install OR the godaddy server.

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Perhaps we are not talking about the same web site or category feed?

    I am continually looking at the feed you provided in the very first reply in this thread: https://alldigitalradionetwork.com/category/podcasts-archive/radio-dan-show-podcast/feed/ There is no iTunes category nor an iTunes email set in this podcast feed.

    Thread Starter darryl505


    Angelo, Can i email you a screenshot? we are talking about the same thing. There are categories there as well as an email address. id like to show you.

    Thread Starter darryl505


    or id be happy to provide you with a login if you would like to look at it directly.

    Thread Starter darryl505


    To test some things out here.. I took that feed above and I deleted all episodes except one. I made sure that the episode was hosted on a TOTALY DIFFERENT server than i had been testing all this time. I then ran the feed back thru podba.se

    I got the exact same results when it came to byte range requests. this makes 3 totally different servers that the episode has been hosted on and im still getting an error there. So i go back to wondering if somehow godaddy , the wp install or the plugin is not playing right with all of this and misreporting something. I only ask that because im also seeing that I do not have a valid email address loaded or a category selected when i do have a valid email address and 2 categories loaded.

    Thread Starter darryl505


    To give anyone an update. i was able to determine why the byte range issue was not working. It is because the mp3 files associated with the episodes come from a drupal install. When i put those same files in a folder that was not in a drupal installation the issue instantly resolved itself. Im still faced with the category as well as the email issue for this feed. They are set. email is there in that specific feed and still its saying its not.

    To give a bit more info perhaps i simply did something wrong in the configuration of category podcasting. When you look at this page

    Down at the bottom where you click to subscribe to the podcast in itunes or the rss feed. its not linking you to THIS category feed. its linking you back to

    So if somehow when i put the category feed that its looking for my category and email address in the above feed they would not find it because i put it in the category feed itself.

    Plugin Support Shawn


    That bit you’re seeing with the PowerPress default podcast feed (https://alldigitalradionetwork.com/feed/podcast/) is a known issue that’ll be corrected in a future update. There’s nothing you can do about it right now and it shouldn’t be causing you any problems.

    I know I said before that the iFrame thing shouldn’t be an issue but I’m starting to think I’m wrong. Based on the code, it looks like some kind of social sharing plugin is injecting some code into your feed and that’s why the feed won’t validate. At this point, I’d recommend at least temporarily disabling any of these types of plugins (Jetpack, etc.) and see if then your feed validates.

    I also ran your feed thru Podbase again and it’s saying that your media now supports byte-range requests so good work on getting that fixed.

    Thread Starter darryl505


    Thanks so much Shawn. man this is a struggle but having people wiling to help keeps me motivated.. ill disable jetpack now. But its still saying that i dont have categories loaded or an email address when i do. I gotta figure out why.. but im gonna disable jetpack now

    Thread Starter darryl505


    Also, What happens if i put episodes from the old server in this feed AFTER its accepted into itunes? have i violated terms and do i risk getting thrown out or suspended ?

    Plugin Support Shawn


    I’m not sure how aggressively Apple checks for/reports on byte-range requests of media after your show’s accepted, so I can’t say for sure if you’d be safe hosting some files on your old server or not.

    Thread Starter darryl505


    ok. .thanks Shawn, I disabled Jetpack. im still stuck in validation at the category setting as well as email for itunes. I dont even know where to start on this. if anyone has any ideas i will be happy to provide them with a login so they can look at it. just shoot me a message darryl505 gmail

    Plugin Support Shawn


    If you haven’t already, try doing this. Then, try the feed validator again. (Continue to leave Jetpack and any other social-sharing plugins turned off.) If it’s still isn’t working, repeat the process but on the dropdown menu, select “Yes, still fix” and click the Save Changes button. Try feed validator again and see what happens.

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