• Resolved josephweaver


    I don’t know if it’s just disallowed in the free version or what, but the videos aren’t working. The containers are coming through, but the src attribute is empty on the <video> tags.

    The preview image does load, but the .fts-jal-fb-vid-play-btn div is also empty… the behavior of the below code block can be seen at: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/BQqyKN

    <div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-wrap">
      <div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-picture feed_dynamic_video_classrBQqoUcjSj_group">
        <img alt="Joe Weaver" border="0" src="https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t15.0-10/s720x720/13697423_1618488678463957_1713532831_n.jpg?oh=c8769d125b4dea558c54cb090363822b&oe=58EFC981">
        <div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-play-btn"></div>
        <div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper-html5">
          <video controls="" id="feed_dynamic_video_classrBQqoUcjSj_group" style="max-width:100%;" width="100%;"><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>
        <div class="slicker-facebook-album-photoshadow"></div>
      <div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap fb-id516137178551643_702224089942950">
        <a class="fts-jal-fb-name fb-id516137178551643_702224089942950" href="https://www.facebook.com/georgehtakei/videos/1685205818458909/" target="_blank">George Takei</a>
        <div class="fts-jal-fb-description fb-id516137178551643_702224089942950">
          She got game. via 60 Second Docs
        <div class="clear"></div>
      <div class="clear"></div>
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  • Thread Starter josephweaver


    By the way, I realized I forgot to include some info.

    First, I made a mistake; I put WP 4.6.1 initially, but I forgot– I updated to 4.7. Sorry! Maybe that matters, maybe not, but I wanted you to have the correct info in any case.

    Next, my shortcode is here (seems to be pulling fine, except for the problem above):
    [fts_facebook type=group id=516137178551643 posts=10 description=yes]

    And finally, here’s the “System Info”:

    ### Begin System Info ###
    SITE_URL:                 https://localhost/bombhq/2017
    Feed Them Social Version: 2.1.0
    -- WordPress Configuration:
    WordPress Version:        4.7
    Multisite:                No
    Permalink Structure:      /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Active Theme:             Band of Maniacal Brothers 1.0
    PHP Memory Limit:         256M
    WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
    -- Webserver Configuration:
    PHP Version:              5.6.19
    Web Server Info:          Apache/2.4.18 (Win64) PHP/5.6.19
    -- PHP Configuration:
    Safe Mode:                No
    Upload Max Size:          2M
    Post Max Size:            8M
    Upload Max Filesize:      2M
    Time Limit:               120
    Max Input Vars:           2500
    Allow URL File Open:      On (1)
    Display Erros:            On (1)
    -- PHP Extensions:
    FSOCKOPEN:                Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     Your server supports cURL.
    -- Active Plugins:
    Facebook Login: 1.1.6
    Feed Them Social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc): 2.1.0
    WP-Paginate: 1.3.1
    -- Custom Token or Keys added to Options Pages
    -- You must have a custom token to use the feeds
    Facebook App Token:         Yes
    FB App ID for Like Button:  Yes
    Twitter Consumer Key:       No
    Twitter Secret:             No
    Twitter Token:              No
    Twitter Token Secret:       No
    Instagram:                  No
    YouTube:                    No
    -- Offset Post Limit:
    Offset Facebook Post Limit: None
    Hide Notice on Front End:   Yes
    -- FaceBook & Twitter Date Format and Timezone
    Date Format:                l, F jS, Y \a\t g:ia
    Timezone:                   Kwajalein
    -- Fix Twitter Time:
    Fix:                        No
    -- Disable Magnific CSS:
    Fix:                        No
    -- Fix Internal Server Error:
    ### End System Info ###
    Plugin Author slickremix


    Hey @josephweaver,
    Sorry for the troubles! That is strange the video src is not coming through. Can you send us an a link to the page you are working on? It looks as though the link from system info page is a local version of wordpress. The social network api’s don’t generally jive to well with working locally. If you are woking locally this may be the issue.


    Plugin Author slickremix



    Actually after some research the problem is here is on our end. If you had the premium version the video would open in the popup. However in the free version it should just remove the image and play the video. The one crappy thing about shared videos in most cases is that facebook only delivers through the API the smallest version of the video and in some cases none at all. One of the fun quarks when dealing with 3rd party moving parts. So basically we’ll probably just have to link that image to the post to ensure the best video quality. Adding that to our List of todos now. https://trello.com/b/Uan4E2jF/feed-them-social


    Thread Starter josephweaver


    Oh awesome! I just got done porting it to a live server vice localhost, for further testing, and finding out it had the same problem, just to come back and see that you guys are already aware of the fact that it’s still broken online, and you’re already top of it. Well done. You’ll be getting a 5-star review.

    I had hoped to finish this feature as a gift to the people who would be using the site, before Christmas, do you think that’ll be possible? ??

    Plugin Author slickremix


    @josephweaver I’m going to try and attack this over the weekend or early next week. Keep you posted!


    Plugin Author slickremix


    Alright sorry for the delay, holidays and all. So I have this issue fixed and should be pushing an new version today. Keep an eye out!

    Happy New year!


    Thread Starter josephweaver


    Cool, it says version 2.1.3 came out 5 days ago, so I guess you didn’t get to it today. No worries ?? When it does come through and I am able to test it on my end, I’ll let you know how it works! ??

    Thread Starter josephweaver


    I have version 2.1.5 now… and this is still not fixed. Here’s a screenshot:

    View post on imgur.com

    Plugin Author slickremix


    We tested the shortcode and it appears to be working for us. Can you give us an example link? also what browser are you using?

    Justin Labadie

    Thread Starter josephweaver


    Hi Justin!

    Here’s the example link: https://www.bombhq.com/2017/bomb-friends

    I’m using Chrome 55 on Windows 10.

    Thanks so much!

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Hey Joseph,
    Can you try updating the plugin to the current version 2.1.5 and see if that helps? We’ll get to the bottom of this ??


    Plugin Author slickremix


    Oh wait I already told you to do that I was looking at the old report. It’s definetly some sort of conflict on your end of things as you can see here our demo is working with that video https://feedthemsocial.com/test-2/

    Try deleting the plugin completely and reinstalling it. See if that helps if not we’ll see if we can figure something else out.

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Alright I found the issue. Your theme is loading the jquery script in the footer of the site. The jquery should be loaded in the header. Once this is corrected things should work properly.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by slickremix.
    Thread Starter josephweaver


    Hi Spencer,

    I’ve changed the jQuery to be loaded in the header instead of the footer (however, this is bad practice, as I understand; scripts really should be loaded last, after the content is loaded, to prevent undesirable behaviors such as flashes of unstyled content, etc.) and we’ve got a little improvement, the videos are now playable!

    However, they are still giving me the wrong behavior, as can be seen here:

    The videos now play when I click anywhere on the .fts-jal-fb-vid-picture .feed_dynamic_video_classOOorsTeGBm_group div, which includes both the image thumbnail, and the blank video area with the controls bar at the bottom.

    However, the play button is nowhere to be seen, and the image thumbnail stays there while the video plays. Also, it appears to have a cursor:default style instead of cursor:pointer when I mouse over the clickable area described above.

    Any insight you can offer would be great! ??
    Also, why does this only work if the jQuery is loaded in the header? As I mentioned above, this is generally not the accepted practice. Read more here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2105327/should-jquery-code-go-in-header-or-footer

    It appears FTS might be one of the listed “Edge Cases” in the accepted answer, however, I’d prefer to keep to good practices even while using FTS…

    Plugin Author slickremix


    You’ll find when building wordpress websites most plugins will require the jquery be in the header. I took a look at the site again and I still see the jquery in the footer. It should be moved to the <header> above all other js but below the css.


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