Hi @devopswb,
Thanks for contacting us and apologies for the delay in our response. One of the more common causes of this issue is problems with the WP Cron configuration on your site. This is the WordPress functionality for running scheduled background tasks and our plugin uses it to update your feeds.
Could you check with your web hosting company to see if they can check on the CRON configuration on the server for any problems??You could also check that WP_CRON is enabled in the wp-config.php file on your server. There is also a plugin called?WP Crontrol?that you could install to check on the scheduled tasks on your WordPress server.
In the meantime, please try adding cachetime=60 to the shortcode of your feed which will change the type of caching used by our plugin from “Background” caching to “Page” caching which is based on when the page is loaded.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you need any other assistance.
Best regards,