Hey Mat,
Hmm… if that did not work then it would be difficult to know exactly where the source within your site regarding this issue might be at without seeing the plugin’s System Info. Rather than post that type of data in this forum (in case you wish to keep some of the information private) then please go to our Support page here and submit your plugin’s System Info along with your support request to us and we can pursue it further in that manner.
Include the following in your support request:
A direct link to the Facebook page of the Facebook account you are trying to retrieve from.
A direct link to the page you have your feed installed on.
The exact shortcode you are using on your website page to display the feed.
Your System Info which can be located by going to: WordPress DashBoard – Facebook Feed – Settings – Support (tabbed page) – select all text in the info box, copy and paste your ‘System Info’ into your support request.
Once we get that information we can check the settings and narrow down to any potential conflict or issue that might be causing the problem.
Thank you.