• Resolved Jamie Edwards


    I have several RSS sources setup from outside my own website. I have no feed sources from my own website. The error I am getting is I have many feed items that show the source as different titles of my posts on my own website. For instance, I have a feed item from an event calendar on a different website but the source shows as “Yellow Schoolhouse Project” which is the name of one of my posts. This is happening many times, and is getting really confusing for my website visitors. In fact, I would say most of the sources are reading as titles of my blog posts. There are some that display correctly, but they also seem to change randomly.


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  • Plugin Author Mark Zahra


    Hi Jamie, can you please send us the feed source URLs that you’re using? It might be that the author isn’t set correctly within the actual RSS feed as I haven’t come across such an issue before.

    Thread Starter Jamie Edwards


    I figured out what was happening. I had exported all the sources from my development site, and imported them into my production site. Something must have happened during that export/import process. I followed your instructions and used the WP Export function but something got all garbled. I noticed that it had only happened on older items, all the new items that were coming in were ok. I manually went through all the old items and deleted them, they were all past dated events anyway, so no loss.

    Thanks you! This is shaping up to be a great plugin. We will likely purchase the pro version soon as we would like to be able to create and display categories.

    Plugin Author Mark Zahra


    That’s great Jamie.

    We look forward to having you on board ??

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