• For shortcode, I am using <?php echo do_shortcode(“[instagram-feed]”); ?>
    On my web page only “follow on instagram” button is appear, no other feeds are there.

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  • Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Hey jyb1603,

    Would it be possible to see the issue first hand? I can let you know what might be going on then. Can you send a link to the page having the trouble?



    Thread Starter Jainish Brahmbhatt


    Here is the link : https://makeupbyanmol.com/

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Hey jyb1603,

    Thanks for the link!

    It looks like the CSS and JavaScript files for the feed are not being included. Do you know why this might be the case? Does your theme use wp_footer() and wp_head() to enqueue plugin files?

    – Craig

    Thread Starter Jainish Brahmbhatt


    There is no wp_footer() and wp_head() in my theme’s code.

    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Ahh in that case I might contact the theme developer to see if they can be added. A lot of plugins rely on these being included in the theme.

    Otherwise you could add html to your page to include the files. It may need to be changed every time you update the plugin, however.



    Thread Starter Jainish Brahmbhatt


    It is ok to add HTML to include files.
    Can you please provide me the files which I have to add in HTML…?

    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Sure, here is the html you would want to use:

    <link rel='stylesheet' id='sb_instagram_styles-css'  href='https://makeupbyanmol.com//wp-content/plugins/instagram-feed/css/sb-instagram.css?ver=1.12' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://makeupbyanmol.com//wp-content/plugins/instagram-feed/js/sb-instagram.min.js?ver=1.12'></script>
    Thread Starter Jainish Brahmbhatt


    I added the css and js file as per link you provided. Now it shows me only loading icon.
    There are some console errors. Can you please take a look and help me out with that..?
    Link : https://makeupbyanmol.com/

    I have only two plugins
    1. Contact form 7
    2. Instagram Feed

    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Ahh I suppose the easiest thing to do to fix this problem is to enable the setting “Are you using an AJAX theme?” found on the “Customize” tab.

    Let me know if that doesn’t fix the issue!

    – Craig

    Thread Starter Jainish Brahmbhatt


    Unfortunately, this doesn’t work also.

    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Try adding this above your other html:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sbiajaxurl = "https://makeupbyanmol.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php";
    Thread Starter Jainish Brahmbhatt


    Superb, Its working now.
    Thanks a lot for your great support craig.

    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    No problem! Have a great rest of your week.

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