Fee per category – Category sticky
When customer is shown a custom form we would like to set a category sticky, such as Motor.(example of why we want this) A user is given a custom advert form for Motors only, but currently the category can be changed on this form to any other hence breaking out of the Fee Per Category already setup for Motors but still using the custom form.. this creates unnecessary issues.
You can use Preselect Ad Category snippet to do this https://github.com/simpliko/wpadverts-snippets/blob/master/preselect-ad-category/preselect-ad-category.php, when viewing [adverts_add] the users will need to first select a category, then they will see the [adverts_add] form with the category field preselected and locked.
Ok so we are looking at this.. When a user chooses a category it then goes and gets the correct pricing, how do we get the custom form for that category to display also, where specifics need to be specified on the form. make, model, year, engine size etc..
We cannot have a one form fits all approach unfortunately as requirements dictate.
thank you..
I can see that we can manipulate the url to point to what we require for this
where “place-motor-advert-now” is the custom motor form.
Is there a better way to do this or just send the user to this via link as Initially we had html links on an advert type page that would just send the user to the relevant custom form.
Thank you..
JIl just ad a brief update on this that may help:
After manipulating the url //example.com/place-motor-advert-now/?preselected_category=motor to form a link to the correct form using the pre selected category motor we are presented with the form and it does show the correct pricing for that category. when we hit Preview it shows an information message highlighting the Listing Price
“You cannot use this Pricing option with selected Category.”
Do the custom form need to be registered or something?
Thanks J
We actually get this “You cannot use this Pricing option with selected Category.” across all forms including the default form
So it looks like the plugin Preselect Ad Category snippet is not working well with Fee Per Category…
I am not sure what you are trying to do or how do you have the site setup, can you paste a link to your page so i can take a look at it?
Is it that you have a couple of custom form scheme and a separate page with [adverts_add] shortcode for each form scheme?
If that is the case then probably it would be the easiest to customize the Category in each form to have just one option (the one applicable to this form). Then you should not need the additional snippet just Custom Fields and Fee Per Category extensions.
Hi Greg sorry for the confusion, the site is still pre-production due to issues and is offline:
The goal for presenting adverts to the customer is as follows:
What We Need
(For Motor Category Only)
Apply a custom form scheme designed specifically for motor. (motor category must be sticky in form)
Have 1 Standard Listing option 2.50(All categories except Motor)
Apply a custom (apply as default) form scheme
Have Free Listing option 0.00 OR Featured Ads Listing option 5.00 for Pricing.If its not possible to apply two pricings per category such as free or featured please let us know.
What we have done:
We designed our custom forms,
– 1 custom default form
– 1 custom motor form.Created our Listing types:
– Free 0.00, Standard 2.50, featured 5.00.We set / applied our fee per category for each Listing Type.
– Default is Free Motor is Standard.After enabling the Preselect Ad Category
– We apply the custom motor Form Scheme to motor category
– Default form is applied automatically for all other categories by default.This is our test
Logged In User places add from page [adverts_add requires=”read”].
User is presented with a list of categories.
User chooses category motor and presented with motor form.
the correct Standard list pricing shown.
User fills out the form chooses the pricing.
On PREVIEWThe form errors with Pricing type highlighted with:
“You cannot use this Pricing option with selected Category.”Error only occurs if Preselect Ad Category Plugin is enabled.
Just to point out that the plugin is what we want and does the job if we can understand why the error is occurring hence the long explanation.
JHi, ok thanks for the explanation, in this case i think that suggestion from my last message should work best, just edit the Category field options in Motors form, and leave there just one option, this should do two things:
1. users will be only able to select the Motor field in the category field
2. the Listing Type (along with Fee Per Category add-on) should automatically load the pricing options for Motor category.
I am checking this solution right now and it seems to work. One thing you need to remember when editing the Category options is that you need to first in Fill Method select “I will enter options myself”, check “use values” checkbox, and add option “value” which has to be equal to Motors category ID and text.
With the Pre Selected Ad Plugin Disabled and the Fee Per Category Enabled
and following your guide above Motors is the only option now in the motors form category drop down menu.
We do have set:
value= motors
text= Motors
use value = TrueBefore we choose the Category Motors in the form we see the Listing message:
“Pricing options will load once you select a Category”After we choose the motor category we see the Listing message:
“There are no Pricings matching your Category selection”edit: if we use the Categories Registered Data Source -> Adverts categories
then it works and shows the correct pricing, problem is customers will miscategorize the ads to break out of paid option.This is loads of fun ??
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
You seem to have the Custom Fields configured incorrectly, that is the line
value= motors
is incorrect.The value should be an ID (integer) of a category not slug or title.
Ok so we did this and the correct pricing now appears on the form.
The value required was 93.
Il just add this as it may help others on here.. If any one needs to know how I / to get the ID just hover over any category required for that form and you should see the url link appear at the bottom of the browser.
We seen something similar to this /wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=advert_category&tag_ID=93
So then on the custom form for Adverts Category under Field Specific Settings it becomes
value= 93
text= Motors
use value = Truethank you..
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
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